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jealousy for self harm

| does anyone else ever get jealous about other people's self harm? i cut myself a lot and kindof deep but sometimes i see other people's self harm and some of them do it so much more and so much deeper than i do, i've even some go down to bone. and i feel like i don't "do it right", i'm not cutting enough or deep enough. i also feel invalid that i've only tried to kill myself twice, over a decade ago, and have never been hospitalized or anything. i hate myself for these jealousies

| that other people's depression is so much worse than mine, that my depression and suicidalness aren't enough or aren't valid, when other people have so much more. it's disgusting that i have thoughts like this, i hate them a lot. i can't be the only one tho i hope

| Stop cutting yourself, find god

| stop cutting yourself, go watch hentai or something

| Is okay, just add more mental disabilities to your profile and people will care. You'll win the competitive cutters association trophy in no time.

And please stop dropping blood on your sad anime art it makes it hard to scroll Twitter in public.

| stop cutting yourself, watch futa

| cute OP

| yeah bro self harm is so cute.

>>9d964d cut your arm open and die on the floor

| commit aliven't

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1673742521

This thread is permanently archived