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Stories with good bad ending.


| Yumimi Mix (Play Saturn version)

| Signalis

| Va-11 Hall-A

| Katanagatari

>Raises glasses
>>a270ee the developer specifically stated recently in a tweet that there are no good bad ends and that this was disappointing to see people view them this way

| girls' last tour

| >>938128 I fucked his mouth, if the ending makes me sad, then it's bad. If the ending makes me happy, it's a good one. All endings in the signalis can be interpreted in different ways, so in the signalis each ending is a good bad ending.

| >>9355d2 but isn't that missing the point somewhat, with the all of those characters staring back at you near the end

| This is op, I have never thought of the definition of bad ending. Dont have a stand on that, just find that interesting how opinions on that differs.

| >>5604fa

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1673778463

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