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bilingual thread

| Do you feel that your personality is switching different based on the language you speak?

| kinda have to yea

| How does face fuck chans personally change? Do they become ass fcuk chan?

| Es possible que I rottate language pero more often I fuck ur madre

| yeah

| >>6a1534 hah.

| >>937588 voy a coger tu boca

| yeah, when speaking english i'm way more laidback

| No

| I'm always more nervous in a language I have trouble speaking. There's also the culture around the language you have to conform to. English you can use however, ESLs run wild, so my personality is pretty chill. With French though, tiptoeing the tu/vous and il/elle, dealing with the occasional snobs, and the fact it's a smaller and more closed off culture makes me more reserved whenever I use the language.

| Chinga tu madre

| Tenga sexo.

| >>937812 pendejo

| I feel like I'm even more timid than normal when I speak another language, but that's more likely due to my limited vocabulary, and how much additional mental RAM I'm allocating to speaking.

| I just bulldoze through and be very blunt. It catches people off but second language status helps.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1673683429

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