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walls are weird??

| is it just me or are walls right now looking weird? Idk how i could explain this but they're just not like they used to be

| >>935705 You know. Now that you mention it. I am starting to see what your talking about. The walls just feel off today for some odd reason. Almost like they aren't real. Hmmm....

| yeah that! ive been staring at them for a while now and noticed something off, i made sure to check if it was just the walls in my room but it seems like any wall doesnt feel right

| I'm inside your walls omo

| Ever since I read this thread I've been noticing it everywhere. All the walls are just... off somehow. It messes with my head and have started to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I've tried closing my eyes and shutting my ears but the taste still presists. What is actually going on, bros?

| If it was only walls, doors and door locks are starting being weird too.. When you lock the doors, are they locked? You heared sound, you can feel that it's closed, but are they? What if doors just refuse to let move them? And locks ignore you to being locked and they just didn't move. And walls are getting weird kind of shadow, they are curvy, changing angle time to times sometimes, falling pieces from it.. And you can see that is something rot inside. And is trying to get you

| walls are cool! fuck you wall hater!

| One of them ate my brother, can't even trust them anymore

| i wish i could go into the walls, all my friends went in and never came back :(

| Oh, dat just me. I live in yo/u/r walls. Sorry for the concern. :3

| bruh its just a phase they will become normal soon enough after realizing how cringe their behaviour is

| My poop Is faggot, And scary story. Ba

| I feel like it's trying to attract me

| have you ever had sex with walls in abandoned buildings?

| I love walls...

| The wall is an amazing album

| forcefully taking a dirty, broken wall, being the first contact with human flesh it has had in years...

| >>936098 L-Lewd

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1672487316

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