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Dreams you had those made you questions your sanity


| Keep having sleep paralysis and nightmares involving sexual trauma. So that's fun.

| Recurring nightmares of reliving my failed suicide attempts.

| >>935127 look at us. Regular couple of survivors.

| I actually write my dreams when I remember them. I like to think they'd be useful someday. I imported all of it to notion and read every single entry. 39/166 involved manholes or holes in the ground, I don't know what that means

| About twice a year I have weird fetish dreams. Sometimes they're gross or violent and I feel bad about it when I'm all the way awake.

| >>935129
I've always been considering suicide although I'm too much of a coward to go through with it. Can you really call it survival?

| I had a dream where I was getting seksy with a lady, naked, neck kissing, fondling, the whole nine yards. It was a pleasant dream. But then I suddenly had a knife in my hand that cut into her throat. Woke up immediately before she screamed, in a genuine cold sweat, did not sleep for the rest of the morning.

| >>935100 damn, OP, where's your manner, you are supposed to tell your story first

| >>0fb26b
I had a dream where I saw a stranger electrocuting another women in her vagina with a mega taser a while running on a street.
I feel super wrong waking up then forgot it until some day later.
I wasnt ready typing it out when making this post.

| I love sex.

| I have recurring dreams of a secret society in my town being behind all the weird shit and I'm the only one who knows. They only let me live because nobody will believe me.

| >>935196 the society of the blind eye?

| Your a weeb degen

| recently i dreamed that i was stalked by shadow creature, and i was trying to run from it over weird places like hospitals, underground houses without working elevators, unknown city/cities etc.

| I just dreamed I was a depressed teenage girl named Rose who lived on a houseboat on a river through the mountains. I watched the stormy grey skies roll past and the sunny golden skies slowly arrive, all while laying back, mad that there was fresh paint on my new black coat and grumbling that the name Rose put too many expectations on a girl.

| I dreamt I was butterfly... or did the butterfly dream it was me?

| >>935166
ofc. i don't know your situation but just from this lemme tell you. there's still time to get help. and resources are everywhere. use them to your advantage.

| >>935442

this sounds fun. god i wish i still had nightmares.

| >>935100 When I dreamt I was browsing Danger/u/.

| >>935700 i feel that i know only nightmares xd i had few times "romantic nightmares" where i was protected by someone really nice and what i had crush for someone.. but usually still weird shadow things or creatures/people what are trying to kill me/us, so most of times we was running xd if you want have them too i can recommend you to thinking about traumatic past or events before sleep

>>935709 I had a dream where I was turned into a banner for /u/

| I had a dream where I kept waking up in my room, noticing that something is wrong and realizing its still a dream then waking up again. Went through like 15 cycles before it stopped, it was some kind of a weird paralysis thing I think.

| >>f051d7
This is the most fuck up one

| >>935757 idk, I had one like that but I was only mildly annoyed. "Well now I gotta go through this if I want to wake up, eh?" ( -.-)

| >>935755 >>935758
and you didn't even get a qt alien oni girl to love you? You got ripped off!

| >>935755 i had once dream where i was at home and everything was normal.. than i saw that doors of room closed itself and i couldn't leave, so i someone knew that i'm in dream, so i was slapping myself, pinching skin etc. and it didn't work.. and than i saw that flashlight did start to fly.. I also had once dream where i was reading book, but i don't remember what was in it.. But in dream it was making sense

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