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| 虽然匿名挺好的,但是这样不会让别人迷惑吗。。

| 参考我在游戏区发的中文帖子,每次回复id都不一样

| I.. can't understand ;-;

| >>3c4786 i mean my ID changes everytime when i reply.

| 所以有人知道为啥吗

| bc u stupid >:D

| >>71d93b 对不起,我太笨了 :<

| Anonymous的board都是這樣

| Boards like these tend to change id depending on the post, and your current address. If you move around many times a day, your id will change every time you post, even on the same post.

| >>b12381 Thank you! 终于知道了原因,此帖终结????

| 哈哈哈emoji打不出来变成?了

| Tiananmen Square 1989 nothing happened

| >>9c0f22 不用你提醒我那年6月4日发生了什么 girl

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1626546416

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