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Cheated on a test, shm

| So that's it. I had a kind of important test for which I didn't really studied but hey, I was able to pass the test thanks to the Covid situation. I founf the test on internet lol.
But ya know g/u/rls. It feels kind of bad, I feel that I have achieved nothing, just got a feeling of disappointment on myself.

Just wanted to let it out and read your thoughts about it.

| If you feel that way just take the time to properly learn the content.

At the end of the day tests are overwhelmingly just a question of rote memory so as long as you make the effort to internalise the knowledge it's no harm no foul.

| The way I've seen school is that there are things that you do so that you can learn and things that you do to get a grade. Some things get you both, but they're rarer than I wished. Sometimes for two different classes doing the same thing will get you a different one of those two, or neither. During COVID, this distinction has felt a lot clearer to me.
I don't think that your disappointment is invalid or misplaced. But I do think that cheating on a test is just something you do...

| ...to get the grade. Maybe you could have also made that a way to learn if you hadn't cheated, but that wasn't your only motivation.

I've got some tests tomorrow that I'm behind on the lectures for. I'm probably going to need to do something similar to get a good grade on them. I don't like that that's the case, and want to not have that need. But it would be worse to me to get a low grade than to cheat, so I'll take the advantage if I can find it.

| >>734605
>In school is that there are things that you do so that you can learn and things that you do to get a grade.

Yeah. This is it. Tests used to be a means so you know how much you've learned. Nowadays it's linked to grade, which is linked to graduation, which, heck, eventually link to whether or not you get paid enough to live.

I'm glad you passed. Just make sure you actually learn the materials at some point.

| The older I get the more okay cheating seems to me. I feel like the school system fucked up bad for even letting me pass highschool and enter uni, so honestly considering I just wanna get done with it all I might cheat on the tests myself. Never done it before tho so I'll have to figure out how

| Test /= your ability

Focus on being a capable person and you are sure to get through life. Grade/qualifications sure make things easier, but up to you how you spend your time.

When you achieve merit because of backhanded measures it's not of your own effort, it does start to bite back with all the guilt. yeah gurl, i'd advsie against it

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1612066017

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