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I'm 25 and socially retarded, is there hope?

| How do I fix myself? Going around and meeting new people to talk to is hard as fuck and only discourages me from doing it again. And I'm shit at relationships (any kind, not just romantic), so eventually I just kinda... Drift away from everyone. And the worst part is that I just *don't know* and *don't understand* what needs to be done differently. When I was supposed to get my socualizing skills I was busy reading sci-fi and fantasy books. Shit sucks. I'm lonely. What to do now?

| Visit animecon once they will be opened again

| Why you didn't feel lonely all those years reading sci-fi books?

| >>733382
Not into that, sorry.

Because I had my books. They were way more interesting at the time. I was content just sitting in the corner with a book, looking down on my classmates screwing around, playing together, boys chasing girls and whatnot, generally being silly. Thought I was better than them, more mature, more sophisticated. Fucking idiot. Reality check came really fucking hard a couple years ago. Since then I've been trying to fix it, but maybe it's too late.

| >>733434
Have you tried to be silly and chase girls too?

| >>733438
Not when it was considered socially appropriate. As I said, I was too busy getting lost in myself and in all the fictional worlds I've read about.
As for right now, I don't think a 25 years old person acting as a grade/middle schooler is going to win any favors with anyone.

| >>733439
Duh, being always serious and mature isn't always appropriate, but society will told you otherwise. You just need to understand which role is expected to be played at particular moment or which one you would want to play. To grab that understanding you have to act silly and observe responses from individuals, then you'll start to figure out what is appropriate and when. Don't give up. Failures are expected. Fail harder, fail more.

| It's okay! I was once like you. All it takes is some socialisation. For me I found that working food industry helped-I had to interact with more and more people while putting up a "normal" front and it soon became second nature. I still hugely prefer staying in and reading or watching stuff on a friday night but now I can pass myself off as a top 40 listening Joe Schmo too.

Don't change yourself of course! But try to expand your range, if that makes sense. It will get easier. <3

| You could be autistic. Hang out with some autistic people. Birds of a feather and all.

| You will need to speak to people to get over this. There's no way around it. I remember having to learn in high school how a proper conversation is supposed to go.
Maybe go to college of it's cheap in your country. There will be plenty of social retarded teenagers there to practice on.

| Reject humanity, return to monke

| no hope, only monke

| >>7e9d2f agree

| >>733465 Something like this, basically. Get yourself into a position where you're forced to be in close proximity to others. Eventually you'll end up conversing with them for one reason or another. Work your way up from interacting in a professional manner to opening up to others, if there's anyone worth doing that to. Trying too hard too quickly will usually ruin your efforts instead, mainly because you tire yourself out.

| do drugs

| no.
srsly tho find people with common interests, there's always a niche out there somewhere. you can't really force yourself to be friends with and care about people you have nothing in common with.
and trust me, no one will remember your fuck ups (unless you accidentally commit arson) so don't be afraid to make a move.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1611812082

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