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Starting a movement for a new burg third party

| The powers need to be balanced by a new force, we need a new burg, I propose we make a danger burg to moderate the powers of burg and angry burgy

| burg

| Angry Burg

| burg

| Angry burg

| Danger burg

| Damn. That just feels wrong.

| >>676799 then make your own new burg, i will use it if its better than danger burg

| >>676807
Nah bro. I just feel like there's no need for any new burgs. Two is the perfect amount. Three would just be unnecessary.

| >>676810 :(

| Danger burg will inevitably corrupt and fall to the either side.
Balance should not be meddled with.

| Agree, we need a third position for burgs

| How the fuck is burg still a thing.

| Angry burg

| You can't mitigate the power of the two burgs.
Even if they are deleted from this world they'll proliferate in a plane of existence that we can't reach.

| I would make a happy burg

| depressed burd

| *burg

| Angry burg or no burn you heretic scum! There shall be no balance for angry is GOD!

| Third way of the best way.

| Make angry burg 2

| ... sad burg

| burg

| >>676980
Are the angry burg supporters really that desperate?

| New burg lets goooo!

| Dangerb/u/rg...

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1594176427

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