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I shamed myself

| Have been using English for 4 years on a daily basis, while living in russia.
Today I corrected a person who said "survivor" saying that the right version is surviver.
I feel shame and humiliation.

| I've been using English my entire life and there are still words I can't spell without autocorrect... don't feel bad.

| I've been using English my entire life and there are still words I can't spell without autocorrect... don't feel bad.

| It's ok we all have those days. English isn't my first language so sometimes i forget how to spell some words i use everyday. Let it go friend.

| >>a4ca62 As far as I (wikidictionary) know, "surviver" is just a dated form of "survivor". Relax, g/u/rl.

| Is it gaol or jail? Weird or wyrd? I dunno.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1582650055

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