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Have you stocked up enough masks?

| live in china. now Everyone is now required to wear a mask when they go out.

my masks are recycled twice before discarding
But that's still not enough for me to last until April.

I don't know much about the U.S. government's view of the new coronavirus.I'd like to hear from u guys

sound like crazy but I suggest u stock up on some supplies from now

| It's hard to buy masks in most parts of China these days.

Some cities have started drawing lots to buy masks
It Organized by the government, even if you're lucky enough to be drawn, only about five masks are available for you.(I've been drawn once. It's a real medical mask)

| The drugstore's masks sold out early.
If you still want to buy a mask, you have to go to an underground seller.
It's very expensive, and it could be fakes.

| The whole coronavirus stuff is vastly exaggerated. You probably will be okay.

| How about using fabric mask? Just buy two, wear one while the other are washed and being dried.

| If you're outside of China, don't hoard face masks! Only get them and use them if you're sick. If you're perfectly healthy, you're just taking it away from those who really need it!

And yeah, I think the coronavirus thing is exagerrated too. It's not even *that* dangerous

| I really don't think that mask is necessary for protection. Same thing can be done with a scarf if you don't want to get sick. And if you are ill - it does kinda hider virus's spread, but nothing more. It has some potential to become a new flu. It is troublesome, especially for people with faulty respiratory system, but not the end of the world. We have new flu strains every year. Having something alongside it will put a lot of logistic weight at the beginning, but we'll manage.

| An antisocial gurl with a toe surgery healing. Haven't left my house in a month except to see the doctor. I am in a quarantine of my own.

| As I live outside China, I'm not really worried. The number of infected in China is very small compared to the population, and even smaller outside, though I've also heard that the numbers could be inaccurate due to lack of reporting and early deaths. That said, if I do catch it I'll be a high risk patient due to my already compromised respiratory and immune system thanks to my asthma and dust mite allergy. Still not worried though.

| I live in the US, but there is a high foreign Chinese student population nearby who really love their masks. If I got corona I'd be more annoyed than anything else (pretty sure my immune system is at least average) because my ass is still gonna have deadlines

| it's in Italy
do i stock up?

| Go to a tiny town like Pietragalla, stock up all the stereotypical italian stuff you can think of and start a new life there as a hermit.

| >>66e03b
Yes, I think you should prepare some supplies, such as water and food.
If there's a mask on sale, buy it. If you're forced to go out, remember to wear it
是的 我认为你应该准备一点物资.比如说水和食物.

| >>487c2a
Maybe Maybe I'm thinking too much. but in terms of our official figures, we've got about 3,000 medical staff infected.

| >>01d1eb
It doesn't work. Fiber masks don't stop coronaviruses from entering your body from the mouth and nose.

| >>5d7f3f
yeah Because early government bureaucracy led to the current bad situation in Hubei Province.
And now almost all of China's medical resources are used to support Wuhan, Hubei Province.

| >>629866
But it also caused patients with other illnesses to lose the necessary medical procedures (such as dialysis. We had a news report last week that the old man was stopped by commaunity staff during a community lockdown and banned from going out. Then he called the emergency call and didn't come to the hospital. Then he jumped off the building).
I can say that this outbreak also indirectly killed a lot of people.

| 朋友别担心。刚刚有消息说现在有新的创新技术可以一分钟制造出一千个口罩很快就达到市场需求。现在还是有点危险所以还是小心点。我相信5月份应该可以处理到疫情(医生朋友说是最佳情况下)

| >>630237 But virus does not spread by itself. It sits in saliva and other shit you cough up. And in that case it is not a perfect solution, but definately better than nothing.

| >>629812 a single cell is only microns wide, too fine to be caught by most, if not all masks.

| We literally couldnt stock up with masks because they all ran out. We only have the washable once but i dont think it's enough to stop the virus.

| >>630283 A single cell can only live for so long without its habitat. Viruses are not different. And good luck trying to cough up a singular unit without flehm.

| The thing with the masks is that they prevent spread of the disease. Which is important so even if people mistakenly think that it is preventing them from getting sick it is really preventing others from illness. If it were to hit the states we would probably get fucked. Because tons of companies want to make money. And would force their workers to come in or get fired increasing spread of disease. Which would likely be how the disease would start spreading if not caught.

| People already come in to work in restaurants all the time even with horrible diseases because they can't afford to take off. I have known people that would only take off if they had pneumonia and we're bed bound and I have gotten sick from coworkers coming in sick.

| >>630564 "If it were to hit the states we would probably get fucked". God, just shut up, you, tease. I'm all drooling now.

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1582725830

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