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Why is a city in America called Gaylord?

| And why does it have a active Roman Catholic Church?

| more importantly, why did OP search for a city in America named Gaylord, much less for one with a Catholic Church?

| probably named after the senator Gaylord Nelson

| >>626244
Most likely.

| >>626244 Who names their son Gaylord?

| >>626306
Someone who lived in a century where the word gay was not synonymous with homosexuality, and rather was a word used to describe someone who is cheerful, which is kind of ironic nowadays.

| There was this xbox user that listed his town as Fort Gay and got banned for it. Nigga really did live in Fort Gay though

| >>626471 rest in pieces along with the guy named jihad

| There's a town here called "Gay" and they have a store called the "Big Gay's General Store". It's like >>626322 said though. It wasn't synonymous with homosexuality until really more of the second half of the 20th century.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1581589300

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