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There's a girl in my mirror!

| That's me

| Cool

| epic win g/u/rls B-)

| *g/u/rl

| Wait let me see!

| seduce her

| well what you gonna do about it ?

| I wish there was cute girl in my mirror and I knew girls that I could hang out with, do cute, girly things and make out too

| I wish there was cute girl in my mirror and I knew girls that I could hang out with, do cute, girly things and make out too

| Kick that mofo out

| When I look in the mirror I see an ugly man growing a neckbeard instead of the princess I want to be

| >>625490 try turning your mirror off and back on again.

| >>625386
Yeah, that's the dream homie.

| >>625387 >>625386
>The girl in the mirror is doublepost-chan

| >>625546
What a twist!

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1581395689

This thread is permanently archived