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Facial Hygene

| I've been using some Wal-Mart crap my sis got me a while ago, and it's about out. Decided to ask you g/u/rls for what you think is the best (but still cheap) from Amazon.

| Is it the Charcoal stuff?

| Sulfur soap.

| >>dc6713
Doesn't sulfur smell like absolute hell though? And doesn't it stain stuff with its scent?

| There are sulfur soaps which have added fragrance to cover up the smell.

| Define facial hygene

| Skin treatments are for fags, put your morals in order

| >>c1a925
Keeping my face clear of acne, preferably without it burning like hell

| I started using this product called "Thayer's" which uses Witch Hazel. Not sure if its as effective as acne medication (salicylic acid) but it doesn't burn and my face looks cleaner.

Make sure you aren't allergic, though.

| Neutrogena has service d me well enough

| >>623806
pHisoHex works pretty well, kills acne-causing bacteria almost entirely if you use it as per directions.

| Don't buy hoax products please. Just apply olive oil onto your face daily before bed and wash it up in the morning and you'll be fine.

| >>625094 such primitive things do not work for everyone.

| >>623709
Buy them all, become a makeup reviewer

| Start by washing your face with water and apply a cleanser if it still feels gross(I don't know your skin type so I can't recommend you anything).
+ moisturiser (cerave products r good) so that your skin doesn't produce extra oil.

Repeat twice a day.

Use sunscreen a few mins before going out if you plan on being outside.

Chemical exfoliation(BHA & AHA) and oil cleansers were a game changer for me, but that's because my skin is oily and the latter isn't neccessary to most people.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1581185334

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