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Redpill me on joining the Navy.

| - Get to be on cool boats.
- Hard but rewarding work.
- Keeps you in shape.
- Camaraderie.
- Free food, accommodation and health coverage.
- No need to think too much, just do what you're told.

Why shouldn't I enlist???

| No pr0n. No s3x. No lif3.

| If that's the type of shit you enjoy, then go for it! It definitely wouldn't be for me, but I can see how the things you list are appealing.

| thanks for the propaganda op i will now join the army


| >>603346 But sodomy is an old Navy pastime!

| you can explore the seven seas

| I hear the health care is garbage once you're out, friend of mine has been waiting for about 7 years to get his knee replaced, which was the reason he had to leave (bomb guy)

| >>603432

He didn't get Tricare For Life/Tricare Prime insurance?

| >>603439 not actually sure how it all works but he's trying to get it done through the VA, which is why it's taking a long time I imagine, he's been given dates that they're going to do it multiple times but they keep pushing it back for some reason or another

| >>603326
If you are tall, being deployed on ships sucks.
It really depends on what you do in the Navy, g/u/rl! I wish you the best luck!

| I don't even know where to start...
I'll make it short and simple.

It's dystopian/utopian corporate culture.

| How about the fact that you can die prematurely?

| >>603573

Yeah, the VA can be super hit or miss. I was just concerned because unless you get dishonorably discharged (rare), most vets leave the service with Tricare insurance at least, which is like one of the better health insurances you can get in the US. Now getting seen, that's a different problem.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1571929195

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