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I love the coomer meme

| Even though it's a forced meme by Reddit, it's still good because it will make these people who can't do anything but jack off all day be aware of how pathetic they are to only thing about jacking off and porn and maybe encourage them to be less of a fucking cumbrain.

Too bad that if the meme goes mainstream then it will eventually be just as misused as r/woooosh

But hey at least that indian fuck will stop jacking off to my pfp when I call him a fucking coomer

Also, I love sex.

| I need to coooooom right now OP.

| Have you heard the news? Sex was assassinated.

| I love sex.

| >>598735 sex was revived again

| >>598751 but sex could only be revived as a cyborg
Don't know if that's good or bad

| Coomer was already way back in the other countries cultures

| >>598757 Oh, it's good. It's very, very good. Pretty soon we won't even have to interact with one another anymore even for a tinder one off. Sooner I can be done with the rest of humanity for good the better.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1569756032

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