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2 words story thread

| Rules are simple - you can post only two words in this thread to continue the story. I will start

Anime was

| my life

| but Shrek

| Layered love

| On me

| But suddenly

| My mom

| loves sex.

| Good thing

| my buddy

| Frank was

| my wife's

| son doing

| Milf hunting

| with a

| skirt on

| over his

| Long schlong

| with his

| five trucks

| doing cartwheels

| Mega turbo

| Drifting on

| my penis

| so that

| Jesus Christ

| blesses me.

| With grace

| and i

| can finally

| Succ Zucc

| His nutt

| among fresh

| prince of

| Del air

| was the

| Zipper lad

| then the

| Izuku Midoriya

| took my

| Ball hair

| Which then

| caused my

| eternal erection

| To insert

| One for

| Love the

| Thin crust

| On his

| Love holes

| and penis

| which exploded

| Thanks Megumin

| you fucking

| retards, this

| is definitely

| a bruh

| Moment. Five

| Is not

| Really six

| But instead

| it fucking

| created a

| time paradox

| With king

| In hand

| like my

| Onion sand

| which shrek

| Used to

| Eat after

| Fisting hour.

| Shrek was

| Was shrek

| Shrek was?

| the end

| Sherek is

| The End.

| Lol no

| Onion god

| ate my

| Pencil, bruh

| really, again?

| Fuck this.

| Im boutta

| Ruin this

| Fools whole

| Joint bros

| then Goofy

| stole my

| little dick

| and ate

| My pencil

| I needed

| for exams

| then obama

| raped hillary

| His BBC

| exploded, and

| DJ Putin

| was wearing

| him. the

| pedophile child

| was pedo.

| Suddenly, a


| Died of

| Sexual harassment

| Press F

| to end

| your life

| and begin

| eating ravioli

| With lolis

| and a

| screaming guy

| killed himself

| He was

| Dio Brando

Total number of posts: 119, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1567342207

This thread is permanently archived