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What if

| We try make a code with the burg post like kn binary (burg=0/angry burg=1) and then we translate the meaning?

| Tried encode this with b64 and got this:
(I only scrolled half of current thread though)
Guess we can use /burg as password generator.

| Okay. Thanks for trying. I thought it would be more interesting like if we could predict the future but isnt worth it

| >>589613 wonder how random /burg actually is though. arent people more likely to vote opposite what the last vote was? should analyse

| >arent people more likely to vote opposite what the last vote was?
I don't know about that, i always vote angry burg no matter what.

| >>589872 well thats not very random either, id like to run an entropy analyser on all the burgs we have so far

| The ramdom thing is the time when people will vote

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1566204847

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