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I'm scared of the idea of 40 hour workweek

| I can only work a couple of hours before my brain and body starts yelling at me. At my best I can do 6 hours a day (including lunchbreak etc), but I'll be so broken, I'm useless for the rest of the day AND most the next day.

Am I just weak? Should I try harder? Is this normal?

Btw, my work is mostly software development and academic writing, with the occasional fiction writing. Nothing physically demanding

| You get used to it I promise. It sounds scary but before you know it an 8 hour day isn't bad, it's just another day

| Kys.

| I used to work at a 72 hour work week with a pretty shit pay. The job was a mix of physical labor and running a big chunk of inventory-keeping on a computer.

It took me a good week to get used to it. After that, everyday of that is just another normal day.

| You get used to it, just try to avoid working a level 1 support and on call centers, those places are as ruthless and mean to their employees as factories of the first industrial revolution.

| Oh, I remember sweet, sweet 40 hours.
Now I do 65.
Don't be such a pussy.

| 40 h week? You lucky af to get that kind of job. My average is 12h/day.

| >>589411
holy shit you get 3/4 or 5/2 with a fucken 4h lunchbreak or something, how is it not exhausting you to death otherwise?

| To everyone talking about 60hrs up per week...
In what kind of hellhole do you live? Even in the third world country I live in we have laws forbidding more than 44 regular hours a week and it can only go up to 50 at most if you work overtime, most companies don't even allow overtime to avoid legal complications in case an employee goes over the allowed limit.

| You'll get used to it.

| >>589348
You have a big puss, now congrats.

| >>589416
6/1. And only 1h lunch break.
Russia, duh.

| >>589417
/\ This
Also it depends on the type of job you do, obviously.

| Nice depression Olympics everyone we get it you work your ass off and hopefully it's worth it to you. As for OP, you just get used to it eventually. Especially if you can extend your shifts in 30 minute increments until you get up to 8 hours. If you work with other people try and get a little cozier with them it'll make time go faster and won't feel so agonizing.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1566120214

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