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Erm, what happened with test?

| Everything i write there turns into some nonsence

| All i wanted to ask some help from admins. Its not faking easy to write this shit from smartphone ==

| Well, looks like i will have to write this shit all over again but on /u/ - thx admins for not allowing me to ask for help on /test/. Very funny joke, admins, very funny indeed.

| Just Capitalize Every Word

| Welcome to danger/u/, home of the stale jokes.
Burgs, traps, etc.

| it's actually pretty funny :))))

| pref is probably having a hearty laughter at the expense of his user

| It's not even funny, just weird and a slight nuisance that ruins an already barely used board.

| >>325133 the one user he has
Though considering how quiet these forums can be...

| I mean... It is pretty funny.

| >>325095
Traps aren't jokes

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1529577701

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