Don't bump spammer threads

| They'll disappear.
Also whoever thought about spamming with trans rights are human rights is a retard for shitting in their own nest. Are you 15 or something?

| Im gonna bump spammer threads

| this not gonna surprise you but there are plenty of /u/ser that are actual literal children. Trust me I met 3 people from this site that are younger than 14.

So if you are actively flirt with person on here jokingly or not, that have quite a high chance of being directed at an actual children not 17yo teen like in arcade.

-pedophile Paul, chidren fucker advocate

| pomf

| I want to bump spammer threads now

| >>1044716
Hey OP, do you really think people will listen to you if you call them retarded? What's up with that? If you want people to respect your opinion you should at least learn how to communicate in a respectful way otherwise you're just jacking yourself off.

| >>1044721 perants should stop giving kids unregulated Internet access and smartphones.

Fall of minor exclusive games and community sites was 9/11 for the Web.

| Same with social media kids should be no where near it. Shits like cigarettes and should be treated as such.

| >>1044756
No one cares what you have to say

| >>1044756
stopped reading right there

| Telling people to not feed the trolls has never worked

| >>1044756 fucking preach king

>>1044762 >>1044761 12 year old retard posting it twice acting like we don't see the same user code

| >>1044762 isn't it your bed time?

| I didn't plan to but now I will

| >>1044750 shut up retard

| >>1044806

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1740191113
