Post number #1044647, ID: 71f3d2
But I’m at work. Pooing in public restrooms is really difficult for me. What should I do? It hurts. :(
Post number #1044659, ID: bd0c07
shit on your coworker
Post number #1044665, ID: 2d89ff
just go to the bathroom, dudette
Post number #1044681, ID: b0b588
Rent a toilet for private use
Post number #1044688, ID: ee33d6
Can you put some toilet paper on the toilet, get one leg on there too to squat a little and make it come out easy, and do some breathing exercises? Close your eyes too and. Just think nice calm thoughts for a lil, and if you can’t go after a few minutes, you’ll make it home! You’re going to do a great job g/u/rl whatever you choose : )
Post number #1044706, ID: d975bf
post vid
Post number #1044745, ID: 049cc4
make a report of it
Total number of posts: 7,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1740145501
| But I’m at work. Pooing in public restrooms is really difficult for me. What should I do? It hurts. :(