My goat died


| goated

| Was it an authentic Nubian goat?

| >>1044627 no, it was crossbred, but it had milk

| >>1044636
Was it thrown off a roof by a vengeful android?

| >>1044636
Wait, for real? Your real life goat died? That's such a shame. Goats are goat animals and I wish I could own one myself one day. Sorry for your loss.

| Goat milk is dope Me and my turtle send their condolences

| My lice and I send a loving kiss! Chomp!!

| op is NOT goated and the sauce is MISSING

| >no one caught the Philip k dick reference

| >>1044645 It was old and goats are weak during winter.

| >>1044714
Go home Rachel, we know you threw that authentic Nubian goat off the roof.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1740148093
