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I can feel myself becoming more friendly towards queer people by each day that passes

| I love queer people!
In fact, I believe we're not being rad queer enough! Full steam ahead! With Nitro Fuel and Space Rocket Fuel!

So cheer up queer people! T
Try to focus less on negative things and focus more on letting that kindness and empathy of yours shine and inspire the whole world!

| kill queers. behead queers. roundhouse a queer into the concrete. slam dunk a queer baby into the trashcan. crucify faggots. defecate in a queer's estrogen. launch queers into the sun. stir fry queers in a wok. dump queers into active volcanoes. piss into a queer's gas tank. judo throw queers into a wood chipper. twist queers heads off. report queers to ice. karate chop queers in half. trap queers in quicksand. crush queers in the trash compactor.

| liquify queers in a vat of acid. exterminate queers in the gas chamber. send queers to guantanamo. cremate queers in the oven. firing squads for parents of queers. vaporize queers with a ray gun. feed queers to alligators. smash queer skulls with bricks. stomp queers against curbs. run queers over with trucks. bomb queers. drag queers across walls of spikes. irradiate queers in nuclear reactors. feed queers ricin. trample queers. bury queers alive. microwave a queers head.

| throw queers into the grand canyon. burn queers with jet engine exhaust. beat niggers to death with a tire iron. cauterize a queer's asshole with a blowtorch. sacrifice queers to the sun god. drop queers out of a plane at forty thousand feet. feed queers to sharks. load queers into cannons and shoot them into a concrete wall. hang, draw and quarter queers. stone queers. turn queer bones into furniture. clear minefields by forcing queers to charge through them at gunpoint.

| drive queers into tornadoes strapped to a remote controlled vehicle. bake queers into queer-pizza. electrocute queers. broil queers into a broth. crush queers with anvils. throw queers off of rooftops. starve queers. peel queers like bananas. steamroll queers. pour nitroglycerin inside queer eyeballs. put a hamster in a queer's mouth and light its ass on fire. use a queer as cyclotron target practice. make queers swim in the mariana trench. spaghettify queers.

| if the word hate was engraved on each nanoangstrom of each grain of sand, each blade of grass, each molecule of air on this planet, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate i feel for queers. total queer death.

| >>dc6362 >>e3b589
samefag is same

| >>dc6362 >>e3b589 >>d8c64e
samefag thread

| >>dc6362 >>e3b589 >>d8c64e >>4428ce
Almost fell for it, samefag

| >>e3b589 g/u/rl wtf?!

I'm not that queerphobic, fyi
I'm OP and I like queer people! Shine on!

| If ur a fag just be fucking normal about it. That's why people hate you all.

| >>1042129 whose an edgy boi? Whose an edgy boi? Yes you are, yes you are *tickles ur ear*

| >>1042171 nah, I'm not queer myself, but I like their spirit and direction towards kindness
I will take your ""just be normal"" as not being obnoxious/no extremist, and I think we can agree that everyone will live better if we try to be kinder and communicate in better ways without radicalizing each other or antagonizing the other perspectives

| >>1042180 based edgy boi handler

| I think being radical and extreme can be good but it’s important to fit together with others and limit the parts of us that hurt ourself and others to me! I love you too OP! And I know that’s what you meant by those words other g/u/rl : )
I want to be really really straight as in responsible and capable and repress my sexual urges which I think only breed competition and conflict with others and make me grossed out by them and then grossed out by me but that’s guilt/sadness not anger

| 2/10 bait thread. copypasta is low effort. samefagging is cringe, and you didn't pretend to be enough people. get your vpn on or smth. praise in the OP is trite and bland, and the insults are triter and blander. only reason for not rating it lower is i haven't seen something so outright in a while, so props for keeping the trend alive ig. try harder next time please.

| this thread has 0 g/u/rls lol

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1738364052

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