Post number #1042053, ID: 735fee
why is it only on anime board, is there some lore behind it?
Post number #1042084, ID: 99e9b7
that's where imageboard crawling spambots' posts end up. i think the g/u/rl who has all the big GETs and took the board down with spam a long time ago signed us up for them somehow.
Post number #1042191, ID: 111157
I wish I could fuck captcha too
Post number #1042251, ID: beb085
i'm captcha
Post number #1042367, ID: 2f7bc3
I'll be /a/! :D
Total number of posts: 5,
last modified on:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1738401870
| why is it only on anime board, is there some lore behind it?