Avatarfags of /u/

| Skipping over the obvious like 50k chan
In this thread write about persons that have given up their anonymity on danger/u/
Anyone remember /d/ loli?

| I lovd you Job-chan!

| Is song-chan still alive...?

| >>1041274
I think she graced us with her wisdom in a troll thread on /new/ a few weeks ago and she was as insightful as ever. I wish she spent her time better than dealing with trolls and attention whores but she made a positive difference nonetheless. I'm not 100% sure it was her though.

| >>1041287
oh! could you link it please? You don't have to!!

| >>1041321 you're my favorite avatar fag so far. I love your way of writing. What's your secret?

| >>1041321 do you have a name? I want your discord!


| Ahhhhh!!! I need sex with you too lovely g/u/rl! But my discord is toooo private and g/u/rls might not like my posts if they remember posts I made they didn’t like by me having a name…

B-but what about you cutie? Surely a g/u/rl this cute must have a name herself??? And where does she live :3

| >>1041365 add me .shesellsseashells
Yes there's a dot in front of the text. I'll accept it once wake up.

| Ahhh I’ll need a burner or smth and you’ll probably dooooxxxx me… I’ll still make it but I’m a forgetful g/u/rl so don’t think I’m being mean to you! Also the chances are low anything long term comes of it. But I appreciate you doing this! Night night!

| I won't doxxx you.

| this turned into a troll thread real fast

| Why haven't you added me?

| zam those last parts hittin with alternative outro playing AHAHAHA makin it sadder than it actually is fr

| I believe there was this g/u/rl who would always sign off as Grape

| sorry to that one g/u/rl who was here two years ago. i always forgot our parasocial anniversary.

also shoutout to the tranny fighter

| >>1041449
… it’s still on my to do list

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1738211106
