I'm happy to report that we have successfully bullied Poopy out out /u/ discord server

| Good job team :)
legit proud of y'all

| keep your cesspool off the main board, dipshit

| idk what ur talking about but ok

| nigga provide context before posting shit like this, dumbass

| Y'all think this is bad, there was a time where they made a whole board for some random thing that happened in the Discord. Something about primo fucking suro

| >Discord in 2025

| 14 year old mindsets

| >>1041114 I'm 13

| this is it. this is the most pathetic thread on this board. it's even worse than /new/.

| wait did someone actually get bullied??? Poppy is lovely and I hope her smart computer g/u/rl stuff goes well <3

| >>1041177
Poppy is alright but I couldn't help but notice she wasn't doing too well the last times she posted

| >>1041234
I'm a lil worried too I was hoping to hear a happy update from her by posting :(

| bump best thread

| i'm in the discord and i have no clue who poopy is

| 8

| is there a link to the discord?

| Danger/U/ have discord server?

| yooo discord server link?? frfr no cap

| >>56b5a3 >>e1b966 >>c42fee
cool people only. no shitposters allowed

| >>1042039 yeah but i'm a cool person not a shitposter

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1738187561
