Lets say, hypothetically, there was a second dangeru

| I am thinking of making a dangeru inspired text-only forum engine but wondering if I should make it a legit public project.
What draws you to this place? Was it just va-11 curiosity that lead you here? Why are you still here? Are you a smallboard nomad?
Any answer and opinion appreciated, I am specifically trying to get how different people perceive the vibe.

| It’s cute and has ASCII dicks.

| sex

| just fork dangeru

| - What draws me here are the g/u/rls here, I can't put my finger on it but they are special and somewhat different from the rest social media/other boards. That and I enjoy the Va11hall-A familiarity-proximity too.
- Yeah Va11 lead me here.
- I've been enjoying danger/u/ for a few years, I like it for several reasons: not too big, not too small, funny posts, funny culture, often insightful opinions can be found, and unapologetic horniness is based.
- Not much. I've

| - Not really. I've visited and explored other small boards like uhh lainchan and "that place where glegle was born" (it was kinda cool and basedly transpilled), but I didn't stay in those sites for too long...

I wish you good luck in your endeavors and projects!!
One of my dreams is that the internet was bigger and filled with MANY MORE PEOPLE!! people of all kinds everywhere!
We'll see what the future holds.

I guess my only recommendation 'd be: make a special place.

| it is beautiful

| >>1040824 but it already exists, danger/e/ :o it's on danger.eu

| >>1040826 >>1040830 >>1040864
Ease of shitposting and design, makes sense.
The primary goal is to make a full tightly-scoped project to the end with a certain set of technologies. Using it for an actual site people use is secondary, but I want to try to do it.
It is dead tho, isn't it?

| >>1040837 >>1040838
Funnily enough this reminds me of a couple of general threads on 4chan's /trash/. Surprisingly chill, diverse and constructive places where you least expect it.
Thanks for the encouragement, working on it.

| >Why u here
I played va11 back on original release and fell in love with this place once I found it.

>Y u still here?
>Are you a smallboard nomad?
Yeah, I hop on small boards sometimes. I don't know why I come here.

| >>1040942 it is still alive do you have /pass/?:o

| /u/ was successful because of VA-11 yes, but also because it launched on the Google Play Store.
Nowadays the PlayStore has even more forced ads and is trash but it's how a lot of people initially found the app.

I remember there was a time you couldn't access the site from the app, some Anon E bullshit or something I forget. The amount of users dropped HARD. There were a lot of mobile only users. Even now, I only ever browse danger/u/ on my phone. I think that's pretty key.

| A lot of users came back but I wonder how many g/u/rls we lost because of that

| >>1040836
I'm gonna fork you

| >>1040836
*forking you together with g/u/rl #310fe4*

| >>1040824 If I didn’t play Va-11 then I would have never heard about /u/. It came as a surprise when I found out this was a legitimate running board rather than just fiction which is cool.

But after lurking and engaging a bit around here, I feel a lot more at ease compared to other boards that is more extreme with it’s edgy humour and tone.

| Overall, I think despite it’s online anonymity nature, the environmental with it’s lesser unhinged / casual tone makes this a lot more welcoming compared to other places.

Needless to say, perhaps it’s just sensitivity issue, but thats just my take on it.

| i come probably over radio app on google play but i don't remember well

| If I will make it, it will be in Soviet esthetic, i guess (with own specifics and name of course). But Danger/u/ will be stay the original!

| soviet esthetic is cringe

| >>1041267
Not agree. I can say same for ancient Rome esthetic, but I don't.

| >>1041270
Posts are chiseled in marble

| >>1041270
you cant say shit because you can barely communicate in english. good luck with your lame board idea that will never come to fruition, dreamer

| >>1041277
good one!
Dear g/u/rl, if you you had read the previous post, you would not have defecated here.
//yes, English not my native, but why did you think that nothing would work without good English (if I get down to business)? What makes you think that this board will be primarily in English like danger/u/?
//All of the above are rhetorical questions, you do not have to answer them.

| >>1041297
if you're too smallbrained to learn two languages you're never gonna make a successfull international text board, dipshit. prove me wrong (lol lmao lol)

| >>1040943
might actually convince me to go back for a bit

| i made a mistake

| >>1040990
Nah, the domain is parked. It is literally danger.eu, right?
>>1040992 >>1040994
Damn, some deep lore. Interesting how app was the main driver. I thought that people have been tired of everything having an app for a long time. Especially since mobile browsers work fine.
>>1041305 >>1041306
You do need to setup post filters for optimal experience.

| >>1040836 it uses ruby which is retarded

| >>1040824 with better music quality, va-11 hall-a estatic and fucking sexy app, im gonna download this, i want this Anon

| >>1041352
P.S image, not many boards and free speech, this gonna be the best

| Add sex features!

| >>1041358 Lolicon board!!!

| >>1041366 meatgrinder

| >>1041317
It could've been a right time kind of thing, like a product of its time. But I think it just depends. Some sites DEFINITELY don't need an app.

Speaking of, I feel like we should bring the app back. To get more users. It's not on the PlayStore anymore right? At least I don't see it

| >>1041303
Oh, I see... another tl;dr-type g/u/rl who usually makes hasty conclusions, which is obviously wrong . Turn on your brain, g/u/rl, I hope you still have it: if I said that the main language will not be English, does that mean that there will only be another one? Nice! *showing a sign that says "Sarcasm"* L - logic, have you heard of it? Go back to school, you need extra lessons.

| >>1041373
However, in order to install the app on another mobile phone, I needed to find the apk somewhere else. If I remember correctly, I found it on the F-Droid.

| >>1041382
Dont take the bait, you idiot.

| >>1041382 You should stop using chatGPT to defecate in this forum. It doesn't work well.

| >>1041394
Integrated stylometry suite to detect AI posts...

| RU section is holding me here.

| >>db84fb
you're living a lie

| >>1041388
Do you think it was a g/u/rl bot? In any case, I should have ignored the provocateur, like this one >>104139, I'm sorry.

| >>1041473
No, I think you're acting more like a bot than anyone else here. No joke.

| >>1041303
i came here to bully you faggot nigga. you a bitch nigga. die and choke on your hopelessness and lack of dreams.

| >>123033
newfag detected

| >>1041488
That is sad. Maybe it looks like this because I use a translator.

Total number of posts: 48, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1737973970

This thread is closed.