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Monogamy is kinda weird

| Why is it so common for people to feel like they need ownership of a person to be happy?
I love my wife and if she ever were to find someone else who can bring her joy in similar ways that I do I think that would be adorable and I'd be very happy for her. I don't really understand the mentality of needing someone you love to be fully dependent on you as their only source of love. I don't understand why loving multiple people is such a stigmatised thing

| Because they’ll stop loving you so much and abandon caring for your kids so much

| ur right i should own multiple women to be happy..le sigh…society.

| I too love using the town's bicycle

| >>1039452
I think it has its roots in human evolution.: as they say, a man tends to spread his genes more, so polygamy (many wives) is not as weird as.. Universe forgive me, polyandry (many husbands). On the other hand, they say that a woman, on the contrary, evolutionarily has the task of selecting the best genes, i.e. the main thing is not quantity (like a man's) but quality.

| engels wrote about this, https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1884/origin-family/
you'll hear a lot about evolution and what will you, it'll be best if you disregard it before the same people start talking about haplogroups

| >>1039462
That would be so based though if you’re all smiling and going ‘great sex keep it up!!’ And hugging each other and had a parade where u all honored the town bicycle and all chipped in to buy them big gifts
Might be wrong but I’ll enjoy reading it if it’s short thank you. I’ll say going in a lot of it is going to be instinct. We see similar bonding in primates. A lot of it is probably not that one person is uniquely special but you only have so much time to bond.

| >>1039465
made sense till the last, women do not always pick the best genes.

| See this is what I was talking about. Every reason so far in this thread is just misogyny or "spreading your genes" hetero normative shit or sayings about sex believed exclusively by highschool boys and podcasters who peaked in highschool
It's definitely helping me understand though. It's just male domination mentality. Why would people and feelings and getting different things from different people or joy matter when you view women as slaves? Monogamy has nothing to do with love

| >>1039476
Can't say I've ever been a fan of engels but I might read some of it. I'm curious but I'm also not expecting much from the man who would walk through his factories for poverty porn and talk about phrenology lmao

| I love your wife too OP

| >>1039504 our wife

| >>1039452
Just say you're a cuck bro.

| Monogamy is based, because it's a commitment to something stupid. And that's love. Anything else is convenience and is about treating relationships like consumer goods.

| I don't like how polygamy is against the law. If three or more adult consent to that relationship they should be able to, no matter how messy it will be. JUST LIKE SIBLING; IF TWO ADULT CONSENT IT SHOULDN'T BE AGAINST THE LAW. DON'T GIVE GOVERNMENT THE POWER OVER YOUR RELATIONSHIP! TAKE UP ARMS AND FIGHT FOR OUR SISTERS!

| >>1039566
Marriage and living together and nurturing a healthy relationship together is a commitment, whether it's monogamous or not. If you view relationships exclusively as sex then I understand how you'd think polyamory is treating relationships like consumer goods, but why would I go out exclusively to have sex when I'm already in a commited relationship where I do that? Try using a couple braincells g/u/rl

| >>1039487
shut up n lemme bang ur gurl then

| >exclusively as sex
we like that
>uses all the knowledge to proof a superficial concept
>plays the victim
>naive counterpoint
>cute push back
i can make you a good wife material

| I don’t think everyone should be polygamous but with multiple selves instead of multiple bodies! Like you can be the husband when you need to put up a shelf and be the wife when you need to be sensitive and be the child when you need to learn or take a nap! I think it’s silly for people to just be ‘wife material’ because then they’re going to need to be a husband too and everything will get messed up!

| >>1039618 you are so far ahead of your time and i wish you nothing but the safest travels on the roads ahead of you :)

| Your wife having a boyfriend won't lead to a positive outcome, You can be a simp all you want but at the end of the day there will be unfairness in your relationship. It's instinctive and natural respond for gurls on here to have a controlling worldview on wife, Marriage itself is about the union of two people as partners, And that union will inevitably have a power dynamic; And in a perfect world the balance will be equal

| The general ideal for a partner would be for each other to support each other, So in the case where she can find someone who can bring her joy in similar ways that You do, It would imply that you as a partner didn't do enough so that she require another person in her life, Then where would that put you in this triangle of relationship? Are you just a guy that never around and just live in the same house as that couple?

| Marriage is not just about another person's happiness above all, It's also about you. You wife can find someone else to make her happy without having to pull that person into your partnership or having sex with them, And that's called friend. Let's say that you get another wife then would that make wife happier? Another person that don't provide sex don't have to be another partner, I'm sorry It's all about sex since that's what a romantic partner are meant to do

| It's reasonable that people don't like unfaithful bitches, Because sex is something you're supposed to do with your commonly single partner. You know I'm all for polygamy to be legal It shouldn't be something that dictated by law, But it's very likely will be a very toxic environment, Especially with a child, Non blood related parenthood is not something I wish a child have to deal with.

| I don't know why you trying to make this weird by saying it's about women slave and person's ownership, I don't think it's invalid for a guy to want to have a traditional wife, It's almost feel like you're virtue signalling gurl, Get off your brainrot "progressive" news site! chop chop

| >>3bf821 I would say it's an ontological disagreement on what love is. To me, if it's just a series of different people that can satisfy different needs, it's convenience store love.

| >>1039657
u based gal u

| I think most conceptions of relationships include a total giving and ownership of eachother in all aspects. The ugly parts to most become the best parts of for you. If you guys are both neurodivergent enough I'm sure it's fine and you don't have to listen to us imposing our own values on to yours.

| >>1039687
Oh don't worry, we definitely are and I'm incapable of taking these g/u/rls seriously <3

I can understand that perspective, and you're right in that this seems the be mostly about having differing concepts of love. It's not about different people satisfying different needs to me. It's more just the simple fact that I see romantic relationships as similar to friendships. Most people have multiple friends. To me having multiple lovers would be no different

| Relationships to me are not transactional. It's not about giving eachother specific things. It's just about enjoying eachothers company and supporting eachother in life. I will forever love the company of my wife and support her, same as she does with me. I also think it's fully possible to have that sort of relationship with multiple people. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be unless ownership is a core component of your idea of love


| Pft, you kids are still having sex?
There's more to life than that, you know.

| >>1039784
teach us then oh wise wizard

| >>1039485
Yes, cos "program" sometimes make fail, and do not forget it is all working in complex. So the last can to have place even the result is not the best. Firstly, "'best' is not mean a good, 'best' means that others much worse". Secondly, "best" at time to time is differ. And finally, it is about "goal", not result. And on last all of this is hypothesis. Above I found link to Engels material about origin of family. I should read it.

| >>1039646
Thaaank youuuu <3 I wrote that in my diary you're really nice and I believe in your road too :> I'm really trying to follow what I said. I think it's good but ofc. we need to respect what we can't yet change in ourselves and others.

I read the first introduction of engels but it was really long maybe one day. thank you for sharing your book with us I can see you put a lot of work into it.

| It's funny.
Usually I feel I'm pretty "monogamous", yet in fantasy scenarios I get more polygamous, specially in certain contexts (like: sci-fi society with tons of casual sex and sex-openess, sexy anime harem scenario, travelling across a fantastic land, and more)

I kinda wish that I felt so casual about sex irl, because..
Sex IRL feels so serious and cumbersome, dangerous, risky, full of responsabilities, performative...

It's no wonder I prefer fiction as an erotic outlet.

| >>1039994
I don't know if that's necessarily polyamory. I think you just want to have lots of sex. Polyamory is with all the emotional parts of a relationship included. It's not about casual sex, even if that can be a part of it

| Poly can work, and despite what many say it can also be a healthy relationship. It is however, simply much much harder to manage than a mono relationship. After having friends who are poly for a good 2 years now I've slowly come to understand how it works. Communication is king, scheduling is also important, and ofc comfort and safety and making sure everyone feels okay. It's a complex web that I've come to admire. It makes them happy, so I don't think it's a bad thing.

| >>1040196
Yes! I'd say that's a very accurate assessment g/u/rl! Appreciate your input <3

| >>1039487
u rlly gonna tell me u never saw a gurl say 'he's mine, bitch'.
C'mon anon, that kind of stuff happened on the early 2000's and I guess gurls may have changed now but I remember gurls being really possesive of their boyfriends.

I miss when we had fun on the internet :<
Now everyone is 1000000000%%%% serious and listening to sad songs, and arguing day and night about stuff...
I want to die sometimes :<

| >>1040243 be the change you want to see in the world
Anyways, I love you positive g/u/rl!!
Never give up!!
The "funny random quirky" internet is not killd yet!1!1 I know it for sure!! X3

| >>1040243
I don't think telling a gurl how gurls are or aren't is going to work out well for you sweetie, but hope you don't die <3

| Cuck

| >>1040266
I hope she doesn’t either but I think it’s important to say ‘I saw this! I’m not going to let my worldview be whatever you say!’ But it’s also good not to say ‘it’s what I saw not what you saw’

I think ur fun :> but I think sometimes posting online takes me away from things I really care about, and when I feel like a joke I don’t have fun. I wish I could hug ya <3 I think there is a pattern of saying ‘my views are GOOD’ and I’m falling into it 2

| >>1040282
Yesssss cuck me harddddeeeeerrrrrr

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