Post number #1039452, ID: 3bf821
Why is it so common for people to feel like they need ownership of a person to be happy? I love my wife and if she ever were to find someone else who can bring her joy in similar ways that I do I think that would be adorable and I'd be very happy for her. I don't really understand the mentality of needing someone you love to be fully dependent on you as their only source of love. I don't understand why loving multiple people is such a stigmatised thing
Post number #1039453, ID: b0b66b
Because they’ll stop loving you so much and abandon caring for your kids so much
Post number #1039457, ID: 7fc0f8
ur right i should own multiple women to be happy..le sigh…society.
Post number #1039462, ID: 794801
I too love using the town's bicycle
Post number #1039465, ID: 5caa1d
>>1039452 I think it has its roots in human evolution.: as they say, a man tends to spread his genes more, so polygamy (many wives) is not as weird as.. Universe forgive me, polyandry (many husbands). On the other hand, they say that a woman, on the contrary, evolutionarily has the task of selecting the best genes, i.e. the main thing is not quantity (like a man's) but quality.
Post number #1039476, ID: 165a44
engels wrote about this, you'll hear a lot about evolution and what will you, it'll be best if you disregard it before the same people start talking about haplogroups
Post number #1039478, ID: b0b66b
>>1039462 That would be so based though if you’re all smiling and going ‘great sex keep it up!!’ And hugging each other and had a parade where u all honored the town bicycle and all chipped in to buy them big gifts >>1039476 Might be wrong but I’ll enjoy reading it if it’s short thank you. I’ll say going in a lot of it is going to be instinct. We see similar bonding in primates. A lot of it is probably not that one person is uniquely special but you only have so much time to bond.
Post number #1039485, ID: fc1122
>>1039465 made sense till the last, women do not always pick the best genes.
Post number #1039487, ID: 3bf821
See this is what I was talking about. Every reason so far in this thread is just misogyny or "spreading your genes" hetero normative shit or sayings about sex believed exclusively by highschool boys and podcasters who peaked in highschool It's definitely helping me understand though. It's just male domination mentality. Why would people and feelings and getting different things from different people or joy matter when you view women as slaves? Monogamy has nothing to do with love
Post number #1039488, ID: 3bf821
>>1039476 Can't say I've ever been a fan of engels but I might read some of it. I'm curious but I'm also not expecting much from the man who would walk through his factories for poverty porn and talk about phrenology lmao
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Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1736562448
| Why is it so common for people to feel like they need ownership of a person to be happy?
I love my wife and if she ever were to find someone else who can bring her joy in similar ways that I do I think that would be adorable and I'd be very happy for her. I don't really understand the mentality of needing someone you love to be fully dependent on you as their only source of love. I don't understand why loving multiple people is such a stigmatised thing