Today's poop 080125

| https://files.catbox.moe/5ogf4u.jpg

| Nice

| Thanks

| It's not August though

| >>1039136 kill yourself fucking bitch

| "Today's pee" When?

| >>1039152 come kill me yourself coward

| needs more fiber

| can someone draw the poop with ASCII.. im scared of feces jpgs...

| I liked text descriptions more. It was like an art.

| >>1039322 I agree. Someone complained that the poop wasn't being described though, so maybe OP is now going for the lowest effort.

| when's the taste test

| i aint clickin that but is this nigga really postin his shit pics?

| >>1039341 Yes

| >>1039211 there are feces inside you rn O_O

| >>1039356
bruh aint no way

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736478647
