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i may be addicted to pornography

| i consider myself as a person with high tolerance on things.
i have smoked cigarettes, weed, and have tried all sorts of alcohol, for the majority of my teen years, but i haven't developed any sort of addiction to them. i still drink on occasions, i don't smoke cigarettes anymore, and it's only recently that i've taken weed again (and it was chill)

| i would often tell myself "man, it's pretty cool to not get addicted to things that people get addicted to. i can try em at anytime i want, but not get hooked."
"ill never know the experience and pain of withdrawing from any addicting substances"

but just a while ago, i realized that i may be addicted to porn

| and i realized that when i was thinking of meg griffin from family guy, i was just thinking about how she was always wearing that thing on her head and how she wears pants all the time.

and then an idea got into my head, out of nowhere. i searched it like my hands and brain are on autopilot.

> meg griffin nudes

| mind you i don't even watch family guy, or liked meg griffin. i don't particularly think she's a good character or a finely drawn one.

but somewhere in my head needed to see her breasts and ass.

and this happens to every female character i think of.

though i don't jerk off to them, not at all. i only jerk off to real porn. which is also concerning because I can't stop watching.

| Sounds like you need to invest into Satan. Try doing some sacrificial dismemberment rituals in a dark forest.
Give into demonic possession.

| it ain't good to be struggling with the digital poon. it makes you a person struggling with this struggle, you are a:. you're struggling with this. you are not sure what you're not sure that. you are not sure that you're not sure that you're not sure that you're not sure.. you're not sure..you are not sure that: you're not sure that: you're not sure that you're not sure that you're not sure that you're not sure that you are not sure that. you're not sure: you are not sure that. you

| that is your brain on addiction, and that it something you want to avoid. touch grass immediately. go out there and fuck mouths if you can- it gives delayed gratification compared to the instant dopamine hits of porn and leaves you satisfied. draw. put porn sites in your adblocker or pihole. it's best to go cold turkey.

| Shut up Meg.

| try sex

| Someone asked me why I’d be on a site yesterday if I cared about my future and mental health, and I was like ‘isn’t spending hours and hours on boards just what I do?’
It gives me so much mental stimulation and I’m actually glad for all I’ve been exposed to… but I need to change too

| Kinda sounds like ocd, but for porn? Like if there's no arousal and your just mentally ticking boxes in rule34.

Definitely unhealthy but I dunno, maybe stop pron for awhile and see if you spontaneously combust because you can't see Mr burns in a bikini.

Ocd feels right off the jump with no more info, not like clinical you could just have autistic fixation.

| me too cept the meg thing..shut up meg

| >>1038861
nta but cold turkey feels impossible like it feels like it just loops back around hard like am i not touching grass enough? i delete my stash, go about me day then when i get antsy i dive full in back into digital poon and come out with a new stash instead

| Go to yandex.com and search for 'erotic nature' in images when you get the urge.

And if the urge is too strong search for 'nature erotic' to kill your boner.

| You cannot defeat lust you must run away from it.

| and i ran. i ran so far away. i couldnt get away

| hey guys, OP here
>>1038893 i feel like this exactly is what's happening to me, it's actually quite annoying to have this trigger where I need to see a female naked.

I'm confident and sure as hell that I don't do this with my lady friends as it is really weird.

even old ladies arouse me, but again, I don't jerk off to it or anything sexually gratifying. it's just.. satisfies my curiosity I guess

| I have stopped viewing porn for a good amount of time and it's only been recently that I find myself going to porn sites just to watch girls getting fucked.

and i'm really picky with what i watch, i don't just pick any.

which shouldn't sound like a flex as i'm STILL watching porn, something that I really don't wanna do.

| it hasn't come to a point where it affects my sex life or my relaionship (I have a girlfriend which makes this even more fucked up) i view porn like, idk, 3-5 times a week, which to me, is really unhealthy

and before anybody say it, I don't look for porn qualities in my gf. she is perfect in all her bareness.

i really wanna stop this altogether not just for me but also for my relationship as well.

| >>1038933

| Why be addicted to porn when you can be addicted to /burg/?

| >>1038973

| If it's your brain being hijacked then I'd look up how people deal with obsessive or compulsive thoughts. Everytime you want to see a Pokemon felate themselves do some push ups instead.

| Oh I was kinda in your situation before but straight porn just made me realize I was gay

| >>1039003
can agree, i now watch porn whenever i get the urge to do pushups. def suggest to try.

| >>1038973
couldn't get away ;)

| >>1038993

| Improve your self-steem and stop buying prudish american culture, so you can realize that sex and nudity is something natural and normal.
Then, you can slowly start throwing away the porn because you now know that those people that are on the screen are being intimate with each other while you're staring at them.

The next step after that is realizing 2D is superior to 3D as it caters to the maximum ideals of human desire. Lastly, you try to be better to be worthy of 2D.

Total number of posts: 28, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1736435156

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