Just applied for college

| Ive already made up my mind on where i wanna go.
If this doesn't work out idk what ima do ;-;

| suicide :3

| i hope a more deserving black gurl makes it in instead of you

| >>1038839 >>1038830 kill yourself <3

| >>1038830 only if shit doesn't work out for you. Another gurl should kill herself regardless of circumstance :3

| Good luck in college, op! Just remember to prioritize yourself, not your grades. Even if you fail, if you learned properly, you can use that knowledge to get better elsewhere

| Have fun and learn and pursue your dreams!! <3

| College is fun! Take advantage of it and learn what you want to learn while you're there! :)

| Please avoid wagey cagey op, buy my Vidya game when it comes out once you're rich.

| >>1038896 link?

| >>1038953
She says it’ll be about maids or something! I love the maids!! I hope it has their addresses and by buying the game they become my pets

| >>1038953 she say that it's not eroge, I can't believe this right now

| >>1038896
put nijura maids in and my life is yours g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736322743

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