winter break ends tomorrow

| the kids are coming back from winter break tomorrow

why live

| op continues to be an indentured servant without any possible ways of finding different employment
woman up bitch

| If you hate kids why choose to deal with them? lmao

| op continues to be an very cool g/u/rl without any possible ways of failing to entertain us
Keep it up oomphie

| You could do some exercises to become hyper efficient and every movement associated with them!

| fuck me ):

| Is this the wanted to get rape southern gurl with roommate or the flat gurl with roommate?

| No no no she’s in like Asia I think they don’t have flats or houses there they live in apartments like in toradora

But I actually do hope you’re headed for a dignified life you chose op fuck those who hold you back

| >>1038885 thx you :)
i'll get my degree and stay away from children foreverrr

| >>1038946 I think having a baby put in you will help you activate your maternal instinct and make you hate children less, And I can help with that if you know what I mean ;)

| omg shove a small child up my urethra pla

| >>1038946
Omg ty for the reply! I’m rooting for ya!!
Just don’t major in education hehehe ; D

| a kid ate 7 slices of dominoes holy shit
ffs dominos aint even that good

| >>1038827

| >>1039010 WHAT?! My heart broken, my parasocialism befallen.. my roommate gurl can't be this hate her job gurl! Good bye cruel world ;-;

| >>1039013
Huuuuuggg noooooooo!!! Parasocialism has only just begun bestie!! <3

| Need ear cleaning gf

| >>1039015 currently on my third stage of grief, Surely this is just another one of this OP's miscommunication just like in the last thread, There's no shot this gurl is my roommate gurl right?

| Sorry I’m really sleepy and my head hurts and I don’t really understand but it’s going to be ok and are all cute and did you see she’s going to eventually go beyond this stuff that annoys her so that’s really good! So u feel good too and I like u

| >>1039099
idk who either of those r
im drunk half the time im on here lol

| >>1039127
no wait more like 90% of the time

| >>1039127 yes yes you are, It's okay I know I can't make sense with you but it's okay! That's one of your charm.

| charming g/u/rl~

| OP I dream about you last night, And trust me on this, you should run for a governor and do your 15deed

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736485104
