idk what i really want to do

| All my life I’ve trained for a computer science career, but the further I advance the more I feel like I’d be unfulfilled in this industry. I’ve gotten a promising internship, I’m close to completing my degree, and I’ve got projects and stuff to my name, but it feels like the magic has worn off, so to speak. I’ve been thinking “what do I really want out of life?” recently, but I’m struggling to come up with a satisfactory answer.

| sex

| Get an entirely unrelated hobby (woordwork, sports, music, drawing, whatever). If both your hobby and your work are the same thing your life will be miserable.

| Tie a noose

| Gimee a hug! There there g/u/rl <3 I’m about to graduate with a stupid people major because my head hurts all the time and I can’t focus, you’re doing really good! I wanna help my friends and the world and laugh and feel safe and happy and make it all get better and better. I think you could do a really good job at that with computer science but just need more of the seeing a happy life in front of you.

| engage in practical chemistry by mixing a gallon of your own piss with some nitric acid and blowing yourself the fuck up

| >>1038763 this but unironically

| >>1038764 This g/u/rl knows whats up! I totally agree.

| Those g/u/rls sound pretty cool and life having! Tell us how it works out pretty please OP!

| Doesn't matter what you choose to do, the magic will always wear off. You should find ways to make it exciting again, switching to a new shiny thing will only be temporarily exciting.

| I majored in theater because it was my hobby and I didn’t know what else to pursue in college. Haven’t made any use of my degree since graduating, work in the service industry, wish I had pursued computer science. Grass is always greener I guess.

| Cash money bb, take an anti depressants and a small group of friends until you can financially afford a melt down.

| I know what I wanna do to you if you know what I mean ;)

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1736236377

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