What are you new year resolutions?

| Hap new year every gurl!!!
This year I'm gonna kms, and I want to learn PCB making and stuff, and maybe get into fixing broken pc's and laptop's. Oh and makeout with a cute gurl.

What's yours?

| for me its just the first one ^^

| Kill myself.

You should try to be less poopy too though

| 1440p

| i WILL hold EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU accountable for EVERYTHING you say here in february!!!

| hold my boobies while you kill yourself!

| >>1038451 pic

| the first one n maybe the last if im lucky..

| The same thing we do every night, Pinky.

| >>1038459 troy to save up for a better cage? *paging a mousecage catalog*

| I'm going to live
I want to get into creative processes: writing, editing, coding, music making, animation

I want to write books! Make music! and make good videogames!

| >>1038446
So we won't get held accountable for anything we say during January?

| >>1038490 reading check: failed

| >>1038490 Febuary is Black History month, so she was talking about racism

| >>1038496
That's actually what he said though. "Everything we say during Februari". It's not Februari yet so goan

| >>1038462 No, Pinky. Try to take over the world!

| >>1038509 And *then* get a bigger cage? You snore very loudly, you know.

| 4 4 in a row ID ONLY 0.2% OF /U/SER CAN SO THIS

| 720x720. posting out of a fucking cube rn

| Stop joking about killing urself fuck you a little >:(

I’m going to reflect for at least 30 minutes on my week every week and change to meet my goals!

| And go to bed on time most nights!

| This is confidential information!
But something can be informed: the practice in POSIX shell programming, more TeX/LaTeX practice, reanimate C programming skills!

| To continue improving on being an arsonist/embezzler/mugger.

| >>1038577 whats your current level? Oliver Twist or Uncle Ted?

| i'm using Ful HD

| *Full HD

| 1280x1024 and 1920x1080

| I want to spread kindness and also study taoism

| i will spread your kindness

| I love kindness

| Lose weight and have kids

| >>1038712 I might be able to help, If you know what I mean ;)

| >>1038717 >>1038712 agressivally erp rn

| >>1038704
I want to spread kindness but I keep being easily irritated and surly AAAAAAAARGH

| >>1038737
DEFINITELY a case for aggressive ERP to take it out on meeeeee
<3 trying her best g/u/rl

| Get a boyfriend. Unfortunately, there are no boys on the internet and I only hang out in the internet :(

| >>1038465
Damn, someone on this board can still be wholesome and sincere. Live your best life, g/u/rl

| >>1038766 is this the part when I mention vrchat?

>>1038768 thanks you g/u/rl!! You too g/u/rlie!

| Release my game on the steamy weemies

| >>1038903 link?

| >>1038964 no links, keep an eye out for a demo for a maid themed game in june!

| >>1039004 eroge?

| >>1039004 does it have a name yet?

| Yay!

| >>1039005 nop, management/customer service hell sim
>>1039009 Maid in Heaven

| my ny res is to suck a fucking fuck!

| This is insane, why would anyone make a game and not put sex scene in it? Even if I always skip like 90% of it, I still want a game I play to have an unhinged CG in it.

| Can you include some of your own nudes in the game unlocked by a secret code and personally visit us and go on dates with us please??

| you can always make them yourself once it's >>1039095

Only if you buy 100 copies >>1039113

| >>1039158 alright, I'll post about it in 2-4 year. I would like to have your nude then too.

| >>1039158
me opening 100 savings accounts thinking of you right noooowwwww

| >>1039165
you start saving too so she can buy really pretty dresses for our dates!

| >>1039188 Nah, I'll save up for my wedding with her, After you two finish your date we can go to a wedding hall right away

Total number of posts: 53, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736401160
