Well, how did you g/u/rls spent your new years?

| I was with my little partner!

| i, also, was with >>196786's little partner

| mfw 'my little partner' is what op named her penis

| I want op's little partner I want op's little partner!!!!!!

I met some friends and we sat around and chatted and watched the first few episodes of dandandan which was pretty good

| >>1038379

| >>1038389
AAAHHHHH yes! Yes! Thank youuuu

| sat in the labs chipping away at a megabox of salted pretzel sticks ever so slowly growing dryer and dryer because i have no drinking water source available in the lab

| Just ate piece of cake with two tea, nothing special. Before it made a little part of work project, and after that chatting, and play a game before twelve o'clock (when met the New year with cake and tea).

What is it?

| >>1038559
Aren’t you not supposed to eat in labs either AHEM AHEM in mine we kept bottles and sandwiches in the hallway and ate them there

Lovely! Dandandan is a new anime! It did have a rapey moment if anyone is sensitive to that but the main characters are nice good people. Boy and girl trying to beat mean ghost aliens together. Apparently it has a lot of references to other things.

| doing my resolution.

for more information please check out 'What are you new year resolutions?' thread first three post.

| drinking wine and writing erotica

| >>1038618
Is that the one where they're gonna play ping pong with the protagonists testicles?

| >>1038625
I haven’t gotten to that yet but that sounds like the show!

| >>1038628
I might give the anime a shot. One of my siblings recommended the manga to me during the holidays and it caught me by suprise by how good and funny it was.

| :) that's really nice to hear. I love people being close with their siblings!

| >>1038618
erm lets just say nobody needs to know about the lab pretzel stick crate

| Had a few friends over was nice. Watched the new Wallace and gromit too

| Cuddling with my puppies and my partners sweaterpuppies~

| >>1038697
Hehehe don’t get so dehydrated though next time! It makes you make mistakes and hurts ur cute head ; )

| was sick as hell, had fun with my also sick extended family

| smoking a FAT ASS doobie on the penthouse. I had to bribe security to get me and my friends in. It was pretty dope.

| >>1038618
Yeah, understood, I thought that it titled as "Dandalan" and right guessing it when saw "Dandandan" , but anyway I asked about it to be sure. Thanks.

| No problem ^~^

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1736069001

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