
| How many blahaj do u g/u/rls have? :D i have 9 <3

| :A

| :Å

| consoom plushie
i love the products of Chinese sweatshop labor!!!

| >>1038405 i want my sharks cheap smh

| >>1038405
They're manufactured in India and the company is pretty transparent and easy to look up

| i want my shark plushies sweaty !!!

| Is there a blahaj with optional sharkussy?

| >>1038469 ...yes

| I have the ikea cat which is cute too

| I wanna plushie ;-;

| One

| >>1038475 :00 so cutee

| >>1038484 why dont u hab :<

| >>1038522
Feel stupid:<

| i am a blåhaj

| >>1038580
Huuuugggggg <3

| My niece got throw-up on her Blåhaj so it's now a Blähaj

| >>1038626 my neice does weird things too sometimes...

| >>1038469 im gonna make mine one soon

| >>1038626 hahahhahahaha

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1735941620

This thread is closed.