Post number #1038320, ID: fbff6e
dear diary, in our pursuit towards da inevitable singularity of post irony and memes, we’ve passed the relatability threshold. i hate seeing everyone online bein fuckin me but i like it too cause im like THATS SO ME HAHA. and i laugh. with this thought, i myself contribute to the relatability circle samsara or sumn. this’ll snag someones brain puzzle eventually because everyones relatable. suddenly all it takes is isolation and quick format videos for everyone to be fuckin me.
Post number #1038321, ID: fbff6e
“not a single unique experience” ahh beat. and they have all this cool fashion styles and stuff my style shit. all hip and trendy everyones me and everyones teh same we’re all seein the matrix suddenly we all synced now like we got luh software update nowlemmesayimdabiggesthater everyones a loser nowww cause its coool apparently its in season or a neeet all of a sudden i know im not uniqueee but i like to pretend to beee.
Post number #1038323, ID: fbff6e
have the illusion I AM and feel like I AM. like i have some individuality instead of being a gotDANG tentacles arm tendril extension of the mass stream wave of people like i aint the first to have these exact thoughts but IM PUTTIN IT OUT THERE ANYWAY AND PUTTING MY SPOT DOWN IN THE MAINSTREAM CONSCIOUSNESS SOMEHOW. call me selfish im a selfish nigga da crown is heavy if not im YNW MELLY.
Post number #1038324, ID: fbff6e
then somewhere along the way someone will say my exact words as if following an unknown script we all pull from and they may reach the main brain telly screen faster than mine did originally. thats why the beatles said COME TOGETHERRRR RIIIGHHT NOWWWW i have thoughts like this all the time and i had this one at 5 in the morning. its a bit if a lie cause i put this down so i wouldn’t forget it.
Post number #1038325, ID: fbff6e
i felt comfortable having a loose ended thought here cause im shy on da chan and i dont gotta post a photo or anything like on 4chan where id get bully more like i feel like its a dick measure contest to see who can be the biggest and fastest dick first if i say some ramble babble. either way its da war of thoughts. whoever has da biggest thought. is that why in the beginning was the word and the word was god?
Post number #1038326, ID: fbff6e
i also did it as new year’s resolution to be more present, bold and not a bystander in me own loife. also /u/ bullies are chill lul ofcourse this is all incoherent salad probably and thread might just die immediately but i tried spread me thought oh g/u/rls. my thought idea is simply a spermatozoa and your brain an egg anywhooo…how yall doin on this new year?
THREAD THEME/TLDR: I I I, MEMEME individualityyy n allat amirite?
Post number #1038327, ID: fbff6e
>inb4 ur “meds” on speedial
im literally just yappin out da wazoo bruh a stream of consciousness i just typed it down for once like it just keeps comin bro im unraveling the brain thread here inTHIS THREAD i swear it started from the bottom now we here IM ALL THE WAY UP the downward and upward spiral yo someone throw some graphs and art on dis
Post number #1038329, ID: 1d13ba
are you not on the discord? keep your oratory masturbation there, nice and contained and not on the actual fucking website
Post number #1038332, ID: f46269
Try sex
Post number #1038334, ID: fbff6e
>>1038329 mr. maid over here MY BAD
Post number #1038342, ID: 395723
/g/url write a diary or something. If you want to write something reflective try actually planning your writing just like a high school essay instead of writing it in the style 2 line twitter shitpost with zero planning.
Post number #1038343, ID: fbff6e
buddy its just one post its not like im gonna start doin this now on here or somethin i just said fukkit >>1038342
Post number #1038344, ID: fbff6e
thread i mean
Post number #1038353, ID: 76d8ee
if you want to be indevidual than become a serial killer, not many people doing tjat
Post number #1038358, ID: 07b207
>>1038342 Does that actually help you get something out of it? My high school essays were all bullshit to support whatever conclusion. I guess if you wrote down all ur ideas as bullet points maybe then tried to organize them?
I wanna try org mode for that!
Post number #1038383, ID: 92364b
>>1038342 >If you want to write something reflective Implying that's the only way to be "reflective". Ease up on OP.
Post number #1038384, ID: 395723
>>1038358 i meant more the planning stuff. Outlines, rough draft, that kind of thing. Standard procedure for writing something anyone would want to read.
>>1038343 Its like 10 and theyre all unreadable. Learn 2 write.
Post number #1038385, ID: 395723
>>1038383 something reflective requires reflection which requires careful thought. So yes.
Post number #1038386, ID: 551c9d
>>1038384 its like that on purpose? its clearly half shitposty half actual thoughts i’ve had lol you don’t GOTTA read it g/u/rl
Post number #1038411, ID: 07b207
>>1038386 I felt a lil sad because I gave up though. Wanna read all my g/u/rls thoughts… still haven’t installed eMacs though
Post number #1038423, ID: 551c9d
>>1038411 dont feel bad g/u/rl its okay just read the tldr that pretty much sums it up, the rest is yappuccino
Post number #1038448, ID: 7e9dd8
why is everyone so mean to OP, i love assimilation! i love everyone being able to relate and fmhaving felt the same as me. its so cool! also no issue with sporadic writing, i love spores mmmmmmffgh i love you all ! <3
Post number #1038456, ID: 551c9d
>>1038448 ilyt! at least u get the writing
Post number #1038460, ID: 5a8222
>>1038448 I hate you more actually
Post number #1038480, ID: 07b207
>>1038326 Mememememe : D
Hehe yappachino made me laugh ^^
I think maybe individuality is a symptom. The scary thing is not having a path you’re choosing to go to a good future. If everyone’s like you and doing good, that’s good! But if they’re not, that’s really scary!
Post number #1038525, ID: cafb71
>>1038448 >also no issue with sporadic writing NOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST SAY WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND BECAUSE UM... YOU JUST CAN'T, OKAY?
Post number #1038552, ID: 07b207
>>1038525 No formatting is good for our sake too though it’s like sissy hypno but it changes your mind to be smart and focus on specific thought patterns but could be used for evil too! Yet another day without downloading Emacs
Post number #1038553, ID: 7e9dd8
>>1038525 tells you exactly whats on my mind directly into your mind
Post number #1038585, ID: cafb71
>>1038552 >it’s like sissy hypno what
>>1038553 i was being sarcastic. not that i don't oppose putting more thought into writings through revisions and "real" reflection.
Post number #1038600, ID: 7e9dd8
>>1038585 tells you i love you directly through your mind
Post number #1038601, ID: 0a9ebf
>>1038480 heh im gladd and yeah i suppose soo in a way
| dear diary, in our pursuit towards da inevitable singularity of post irony and memes, we’ve passed the relatability threshold. i hate seeing everyone online bein fuckin me but i like it too cause im like THATS SO ME HAHA. and i laugh. with this thought, i myself contribute to the relatability circle samsara or sumn. this’ll snag someones brain puzzle eventually because everyones relatable. suddenly all it takes is isolation and quick format videos for everyone to be fuckin me.