Dating docs website

| https://redscare.love/

made that for some community however they decided to go in a diff direction, so now i have no idea what to do with it.

anyone have any ideas?

| So its just a directory? It seems kinda stupid to dump any real personal info on there since everything is searchable (though the same is true for any dating site). Most of the big ones work by selectively revealing profiles based on some 'algorithm' right?

| honestly it looks pretty cool, i wouldn't dare post myself but it could be fun to write people who posted themselves there.. maybe we could have dangeru.us/date?!

| Example 2 is a cutie. <3

| >>1038038 teef

| I HATE THE REDSCARE POD they're apparently some lazy girls who go around talking about how important they are and judging other people and being irony poisoned I wanna fight them both and then they realize how good they can be and marry divorced-dad-kun

I think it's cool u made that site tho.

are you single?

| I thought that prediction market dating site was pretty cool. I think that's the future, particularly if it has an api for doing predictions, and you get paid once people you set up have been together for a year.

| >>1038049 woah, link? If its like a betting thing I wonder how you get couples to update their relationship status once theyre happy/broken up

| >>1038054
Isn't it cool? I mean I dunno ideally it'd still be people who are already my friends and loved ones setting me up, rather than a faceless crowd judging me :/

I'm too scared for those kindsa apps but I'd join if u did ^^
"Manifold love development is on hiatus."
uh oh. Time to make our own and get rich!!!! xD

I don't think it would be that bad in terms of getting updates, since only one needs to rejoin or click an email asking after a year.

| I'm guessing such a model could work for friendships too, but god the privacy is kinda awful. You could just speak in generalities though, and such services could demand an up-front payment rather than a subscription.

| ive been thinking of buying 4chan ads to spread it but idk, i just to repurpose it in someway


| >>1038059
u need something the 4chan ads people will enjoy first cutie! don't let the ads sellers rob u >:O

:3 can we kiss pls?
I would like to a lot.
I can help you clean your things up or give you a piggie back ride and and we could share our diaries! but I don't have money or girlyness or prettiness, and I think I would really enjoy it, but we probably don't want each other forever or to have kids together. It would be nice of course, but the chance is low. happy wishes!

| https://duolicious.app/
oh also this was like the '4chan /soc/' dating app and i've heard of people going there to make friends, maybe inspiration there? not sure mmmmmm

| >>1038062 >>1038063
some banners

yeah ive been looking at duolicious for a while but i think their aesthetics clash way too hard with each other

| few more i made

| You're good at art : D but ya kno I don't actually like that aesthetic hehehe
But I still like what u made ;)

Hey- it's kinda grimy right? and dating apps want more lady users right? and ladies like true crime right? OK TRUE CRIME DATING SITE!!!!

Boom!!! : D

OK bedtime 4 me ^^

| >directory not public
cringe. and I was gonna post something too.

| just bought a 4chan ad

yeah that's kinda the difficulty, if I was to have it public everybody would know nobody's submitted anything lol.

| >>1038206
but for you i'll make it public anyway

| can some of u make some fake bios ? we just need to jump start it a lil bit

| >>1038208
make them yourself if you want to lie lol

| >>1038206 I wasn't actually gonna post anything. You can make it private again lol.

| a few more

| admit that you're doing this as a last-minute desperate attempt at getting a gf

| >>1038503
im trying to be celibate unfortunately ]:

| I want a desperate gf! I want a desperate gf!

| >"the battle one fights is a wholly aesthetic one"
That actually goes hard, did you come up with that yourself?

| Hmph some of the boys on there REALLY need to transition

| >>1038615 yeah i kinda concur with that.


Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1735935779

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