i miss post - help me to find it

| i believe it was in 2020-2023
i remember g/u/rl who wanted being bullied badly, but instead we praised her and saying her too much nice things and she couldn't handle it. i need see it again idk why ;-;

| pat pat cute g/u/rl trait

jeez I can't find it :c I wanted to make you smile..

This one has a happy ending https://dangeru.us/d/thread/991183 and is recent. search for bully is same.

What should be done is scrape the entire archive then ask an LLM to find it. If a g/u/rl gives me step by step instructions I have 2 TB of unused space to do it but I get headaches trying to do things.

| >>1037937 lol one of answers is actually mine xD but yes it was have very similar aura, but it was longer post. i remember one g/u/rl later bullied her (i would recognize it if i saw it) but i can't remember it now

i need /u/ powered by AI searching xd

thank you a lot that you tried! ^^

| ^///^

| >>1037937 where is the archive?

| >>1038028

| It was on /d/

| >>1038041 i believe to, did you found it? could you send it to me please? ^^

| >>1038043 no but I'll look around

| I'm kinda doubtful of the search feature. I get surprisingly few hits on my searches.

| Bump

| >>1038338 it's nice from you ^^

| bump cause i really wanna find this too :3

| Cute bumper g/u/rls I messed with my window transparency today so I’m getting closer to mastering computers to find it!!

| >>1038560 sending all my brain power to youuu

| Aaaaaa I feel really smart and capable!!!!

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1735920375

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