
| Why do people act like sex is natural when it isn't it's actually really weird and gross.

| uh huh

| etc

| Elona

| I love sex.

| whats sex

| HUH. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

| yeah :(

| >>1037837 sex is just corporate propaganda of latex companies to sell mre latex

| I should become a villain that kills people that have sex

| >>1037917
God that's hot

| >>1037917 let me sex you up doll

| >>1037917 How about a hero, one that makes people have sex?

| I love sex!

| >>1037890
Huh!? Why!?
LaTeX is free alltime @_@

| >>1037837 sex is actually bad because we can't have sex with ideal-perfect 2D fictional characters yet
Only then it will be actually good

| >>1038237 ermmm my boyfriend is perfect *nerd emoji

| I love sex

| >>1037890 Not if you hit it raw every time :)

| >>1038239
>g/u/rl on danger/u/
>has bf
Get out of here stalker

| >>1038261 knock on your walls, ill knock back

| >>1038228
I think the objectification people are actually right! It’s good when you emphasize each other as people being good, it’s bad when you say ‘shut up and play your role to make me cum’

| >>1038312

| >>1038322
Ohhhhh that complies with no warnings uhhhhhhhhhggggg mooooorrrreeee

| >>1038228 little ot but you have my respect honestly xd

| >>1038363

| >>1038312
te-he ;ь

>>1038404 >>1038363 >>1038322
I knew it! There is lot of "sex" in la/tech/ XD

| >>1038427 actually "you" should have been an environment, not a section. Theres *probably* a double meaning here I cant find.


| >>1038404
Uuuuuoooooohhhhh you fill me perfectly, I’m FLOATing in heaven

| >>1038312
Ok maybe I’m contradicting this here but I dunno I don’t think this is actually the foundation of a long term relationship though I find you funny and cool.
I don’t understand environments :c
Her section titles are so BIG and split me apart though

| >>1038511
I think you are right!
It should be..

| Oh good I want her to be able to navigate me easily and find my rendering pleasant

| >>1038621 mmm... post-coital parse tree traversal...

| :p delicious

| tracing her parse tree with my hands... whispering her CFG in her :ear as I do...

Total number of posts: 36, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1735955000

This thread is closed.