fucked up bod in me early 20s

| luh bad scalp n hair, le bas gums n teef, damn fungus on me hands and feet. worn elbows and weak joints, le worse eyesight, back and finger pain from me phone use and sedentary with no life experience and jobless, chronic jackin off rotting my brain and weener. yeah im thinkin im cookeds beyond belief but welp someday ill either get up or put myself down in probably a year. how yall doin tho hows life treatin y’all

| oh AND SHIT DIET AND SLEEP SCHEDULE how could i forget

| take estrogen.

| >>1037746 you can change all that. Think about how different you are from even 5 years ago.

| feel like everyone that says they´re cooked is having a mental breakdown on the inside

| >>1037750
u actually? im not trying to be trans though

exactly feels hopeless tho

that too ofc but like the only thing im sure of is what im seeing and feelin on my body

| >>1037767 idk, i wuz in ur position and ig it was a bit different cuz i wanted to be a girl haha but it made me clean my life up. For you i think you should get a doctor to see your joints and hand and feet and eyes. it makes everything a lot easier when you arent in pain. as for wanking, just slow, like do 30% less and go for a bit cuz everyone who says they will stop completly are dumbbb! so yea idk if u were looking 4 advice but i gave u some anyway! i hope you get better :]

| >>1037782
i had thought of it a few times but i never entertained those thoughts too much cause i didn't think they were too serious to go through with if that makes sense. but yeah i should do the doctor thing. im trying to take vitamins more and yeah the wanking thing, i always say that to myself too but its so cap! im a ddamn goon! but thank you g/u/rl. much appreciated. it was a bit of wanting advice and just saying out my insecurities

| >>1037784 i mean, indevidially your problems arent big but together i think haha. im very glad i could help in some way, keep the thread updated pookie!

| >>1037786
either way and ill try! if not ill just come back again next year with an update

| if it dies on its own i mean

| :(

| dont die

| its never too late to give shit abt your health, you will not change overnight and it will not be easy but you have to make the decision every day to try and improve . you will falter and fail again, and again, but if you get back up and push forward you will become your best self. your eyes will never regenerate, nor will your worn joints become baby new, but you can become a better you if you just believe and never surrender yourself to despair <3

| >>1037793
ill try but the future dont look to clear

yeah all i can do is just try. its just that its not a recent development i think. it only got worse because of my incompetence and more noticeable as 2022 began. the closest thing i can say it is if i had to name it is either laziness or depression but i dont like assuming so im probably extremely lazy with no fire in me. but as of recent times i’ve been trying again cause lifes starting to get more serious.

| i didnt mean for this thread to turn into some vent thread but i felt a bit more of some context is needed

| >>1037798 i understand <3 (its 4dd0ca)

| >>1037799

| At least get an anti-fungal cream before you decide to commit suicide

| But yeah my life took a downward spiral after I tried to get therapy at the local psychiatry and I'm 85% certain 2025 will be my last year alive.

| >>1037808
currently trying some im just a bit impatient for it to hurry and clear it all up already

ive wanted to try therapy too but now im worried ill get a bad therapist..how long ago was this anon?

| Before every butterfly is a coccoon. Shed your skin and be born anew

| >>1037821
hopin that happens next year and im able to get back to a better me

| >>1037825
Yeah maybe it will just happen

| >>1037825 become trans

| >>1037835 thats what i said

| >>1037746 start taking care of one problem at a time, and you'll see how most of them will disappear
Just Focus and do it!

Also, you could try the transgirl bimbomaxx path if you'd like haha

| >>1037842 latter option is the meta

| >>1037842
trying! also yeah that seems to be a running theme in here i’m almost convinced its the answer

| >>1037853 based g/u/rl!
I wish you good luck and wishes!
You can make it!

| >>1037856
thank youuu and i hope sooo!

| >>1037746
You need estrogen!

This is really nice advice :3 I hope you'll give us an update after seeing the doctor!
and don't beat urself up nice g/u/rl :)
really true <3

and therapy didn't help me but ADHD meds and some friends did. So go try everything u think can help, take notes, and get plenty of rest in between cutie ^^

| >>1037897
still..guys even if i did i don't think id look pretty or look good trans

i thought adhd meds might help. part of me has started to think i have an issue with daydreaming because i daydream of doing things rather than actually doing them even though i want to.

| like ive gotten comfortable being complacent and a bystander

| >>1037912 ill send you compliments on your looks every day if you become trans pookie <3

| >>1037911 I kinda relate a lot with "daydreaming too much"
I literally start daydreaming the very second I'm not playing/watching something

Yet... I believe I can make it work!
I do not do drugs, I don't like doing risky dangerous stuff, I like saving up money, and I feel like I'm pretty smart!
I'm gonna make it too!

| >>1037911
Yeah me neither :(, and I wanna have kids too. But it's fun to at least pretend on here.. Cute g/u/rl!! *kiss* :3

You should REALLY try them + other things. There was a g/u/rl who posted about narcissistic personality disorder on here earlier, and I think a lot of my fantasies are like that, but I haven't gotten to reading the DBT workbook on it yet from that thread. You can search the archive from the homepage and there was a link.

Wishing you sweet dreams <3

| >>1037928
It's dangerous to let your life pass you by because you didn't take risks too. Be considerate, but try for your dreams too if there's a pattern of not achieving them for lack of focus.

| >>1037930 y dont u kiss me? </3

| >>1037938
waaah I'm so sorry I love g/u/rls Like you! I must have been too scared!!!
*holds you close*
*looks in ur eyes*
I love you g/u/rl
U make me feel special :3
*long and gentle kiss*

t-thanks I like you

| >>1037922
thank uuu

i believe in u too g/u/rl! you go get it!

*kiss kiss*! i will look into itt i think i heard about that disorder but thank u! wishing you sweet dreams as well g/u/rl

| honestly just do cardio and everything will get better though
t: did cardio and everything got

| >>1037940 omigoshh>///<

| >>1037947
plan to, rn ive been trying to get back into lifting but having to start over cause of an arm injury has been a bit demoralizing to stay motivated cause now the small weights are a struggle

| >>1037941
<3 I slept for 10 hours last night it must have been because of you <3

>##< I enjoyed it a lot thanks for letting me say that you you lovely g/u/rl <3

lifting is a tough place to start with the new location and form and intensity. Can you maybe just do a 10 minute walk before bed or something like that? Went for a walk with my daddy today and felt really good talking about a history book he read and some wikipedia I read and what we think of culture

| >>1038021

and i did do walking for a good while but that came to an end since my friend was my source for that. i can just walk outside but its not the same cause its not really made for walking. but that sounds nice especially a conversation like that im always looking at wikipedia stuff! especially with history and culture

| >>1038080
Dont forget about cardio. Try to get your breathing up for at least 30 minutes a few times a week but even shorter workouts are better than nothing and if you have access to a gym you can watch anime on your phone while riding exercise bikes or jogging.

| >>1038080
oh yeah for sure!! :3 *walking hug*

| >>1038112
i will get to it for sure. im gonna be trying this lil cardio routine for 30days for the entirety of january for a warm up. i may or may not post it as an update after

| >>1038140
Hey, you know what? Post it as an update when you start and I'll do the same so we can encourage each other and feel like we're not doing it alone. Could be fun, y'know?

| >>1038143
yeah! ill post it in this thread. it’ll also reinforce it more mentally like now i HAVE to yknow?

| >>1038143
yeah!! : D I'll do it too!
Um what's the exact routine? Going to go split wood for 30 minutes and listen to nightcore xD

if onlyyyy but nah i just looked for some basic cardio thing for 30days its just for warm up, starting out just somethin to get me moving until i can come up with a more in depth routine

| I didn’t do it last night btw but I did it this morning and felt pretty great! My dad showed me how to move the hammer for the wedge more efficiently and it’s nice I see progress as I go and get a rythem. I think I like light minor use things in the 30 minute range

| Muscle use not minor use! Sorry bluearchivechan! Not stealing ur g/u/rls

| >>1038313
will you keep at it? that sounds like nice bonding too a twofer! im barely gonna start in the afternoon the cardio cause of course new years left me a bit more drained than i wanted to

| This thread is long did OP have sex at last?

| >>1038387
Ikr?!!! And then when I woke up today our wood storage was all full and I’ve been kinda pacing and stewing BLECH
Felt great too. No where near my muscle limits but not pure cardio. Time to rake!!
Thanks for reminding me ; )
I’m going to put it on my calendar after this. Not sure if morning or evening is better though

I’m grooming (I’m a groomer, yeah, maybe you’ve heard of us, kind of a big deal) her but it’ll be at least a year.

| >>1038396
keep at it! and yww, yeah im not sure either but probably evening though for me i wantwd to make it morning so i can be forced to fix my sleep schedule as well



| What's your favourite grooming strat?

| >>1038471
‘The Siamese double twist’

| >>1038458
Ty Ty yeah I saw someone online say every do it after work immediately. I like the idea of being able to jump in to the day’s tasks immediately in the morning too. Today will be raking again : ) how about you??

| Went well! But in bed a bit late. Hbu?

| >>1038483
that makes senseee, though depending on the work wont you just feel more drained and less motivated to keep up with it. and me tooo it makes me feel accomplished and it did when i was doing it for a while. rake it up! im still doing the same routineee

im glad! as long as you got in bed. it went well for me too i also found out that i had lost a couple pounds! so now im feeling a little more determined

| >>1038594
That makes me happy to hear! Tonight will be the first night doing it at the scheduled time. Before I’ve just been doing it when I thought of it.

Keep up the routine g/u/rl! That’s cool you already lost weight! Just don’t be unrealistic ; ) it’s your energetic smile and good heart that’s the most attractive thing to the people who love you-that’s the thing to really bolster with exercise!

| >>1038614
how did it goooo?

and i will! ikk idk when it occurred though but either way im glad some progress has been seen, ive been trying to be mindful of when i eat as well. and ill tryy but thank youuu!

| >>1038757
Well, not ideally. Mom got mad about my plan to run the fireplace 24/7 to save on electric bills, and I kinda wandered around chopping wood throughout the day instead of doing yard work at the appointed time. There’s always tomorrow, but I’m a little disappointed I haven’t changed anything really to stick to my schedule.

| I guess I could stay in my room til it’s time but then I’d get hungry, and going down for breakfast this morning was what caused my day to turn into ‘miscilaneous chores and sitting around on my phone.’ I’m going to try to stay there more and stay off my phone at least.

| >>1038782
on that last part i struggle with but i believe you’ll find a way to manage! i feel you got a better chance at it than i do lol

that reminds me i’ve been trying to fast a lot more as a sort of discipline along with trying to help lose weight. think i rely on food too much sometimes but i agree especially on the phone part. i need to do more as well cause being on the phone is such an addiction now..

| >>1038802
I’ve had bad patterns of behavior in my life since middle school. We’ve both got a challenge, but I’m really glad we’re trying this little thing if we can get a little success. <3

I haven’t beaten the phone addiction yet today but even spending a little time not on it will be a win, even the exercise time. I really like what I discuss on it actually, it just takes way way too much time.

Ganbare exercise chan! I’d love to hear more about how your routine is too!

| im so happy at how the thread is going <3

| im not happy

| >>1038814
exactly! life will changee i hope for the better

me too and i recently got a new book ive been waiting for so now i hope ill be able to stay away from the screen for a bit. im hoping to reduce hours to at least 6-7 atm. its not like i spend hours on memes or anything more often than not im just looking up stuff i find interesting and youtube.

ganbareee! thank uuu though my routine isnt all that interesting i feel like

| >>1038983
install RYS and disable the sidebar, homescreen, and comment section

Total number of posts: 75, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1736264899

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