Message to all women

| Shouldn't you be cooking or shouldn't you be making babies? This is danger/u/, the board that women love.

| ????

| I tried making one, the eyes are too hard to get right

| Yawn
Call me when designer babies are possible so I can make a billion of human-like Hatsune Mikus as a pregnant man

| >>1037852

| >>1037852
Me too!!! I'm so excited to have super smart g/u/rl kids!!!!! ^^

| anyone wanna collab and make babies?

| >>1038185 only as long at you're the one whos pregnant

| >>1037726 half the gurls here have a cock, sorry pooks </3

| >>1038209
Still want them to make babies I feel safe here I think kids would too.

| >>1038315 bet, ill have my boyfriend pound my brains out every night until i get pregnant

| >>1038350 That's the spirit

| >>1038350
Have sex and have FUN! <3 cute couple
(I’m sure ur planning and all smart g/u/rls)

| fuck my ears fuck my ears i wanna see your penis in my eye sockets

| >>1038449 woah how did you know I'm into that

| >>1037726 sorry but whenever my girlfriend blows my back out, the most I get is an ass full of cum and a lot of hickeys.

| >>1038578
can I borrow her for a few hours? u can use my warm winter coat if u want

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735947418

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