just got exposed to some grass toucher people

| they're missing few gears, they think they can control others by digging through every small detail from their actions and words till they'll feel comfortable to put a ton of resources for a deep pitfall when the said pattern is supposed to move there often.
I'll love living my dreams away from this game for npcs.

| Touching grass means dealing with people like that. Most people suck. The ones who dont make up for it tenfold.

| i love grass.... moo...

| thats when you start touchin them now

| I hate incels and shut-ins

| >>3e6f92 i'm slapping them ten fold for not showing up sooner.
>>12d5a6 don't ever worry about it, the human race can get out any sort of struggle.

| I love incels and femcels and digitalcels

| >>1037703
*milks u*
smelly smooch!

| few weeks back i mistakenly touched grass when i falled.. i would never do it again, still traumatized

| >>1037895 thanks for the smooch! *french fry kisses you sloppily*

| >>1037895 woah... can i.. can i milk you back

| >>1038181
Ooooh I really want you to milk me back. And you’re really considerate and charming <3
You milk me so long as you enjoy it, considerate g/u/rls like you deserve so much happiness!!

| >>1038317 omg I'll keep milking you then!! thank you!! i love you so much i wish you all the happiness in the world

| >>1038440
Ooooooh I love you too <3
It feels SO good ooooooh

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1735833178

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