thoughts on crabcels

| tryna get them claws in me

| >crabcel cf
and i don't think you understand

| >>1037675 i think thats why she doesnt have a crabfriend

| fake and fuckin bs. no such thing unless you’re genuinely a freak (NOT THE GOOD KIND) even then ugly crabs still get laid simply cause they’re crabs

>inb4 crabcel get crabbed

literally have im just being truthful it’s all literally in plain sight. idk where this crabcel trend came from but its all posers on a trend like usual. same with the ‘loser core’ bs.

| mmm... crabcel cf pinching me after sex...

| >>1037677 I'm going to crab you

| >>1037677
lmao seein my response become a copypasta is pretty funny

| https://youtube.com/watch?v=SKqq5jHzZJg

| we all become crabcels in the end

| Evolution keeps turning up crabcels

| >>1037677
You've obviously never even been friends with any crustaceans...

No one, not even crabcels would pinch someone as crabby as you.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1735460791

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