changing phone ;;

| is there any way to keep my thread watcher thing shared?
I'll miss not being able to look back my fav shitposts without going out of my way to look in the archive

| easy just save the links g/u/rl, love you!

| bookmarking time it is then

| Copying cookies should be an option. Is on pc at least, dk about phone

| I wanted to make some kinda rss feed for image boards : D but I dunno

| >>1037881 lets make a bot that discord pings you when a thread is updated

| hmm, u might as well change adress, clothes, and genitals

| >>1037949
Yay let's and we can use this thread!!! maybe we can use python I started a tutorial on that but then I got distracted!!! and once it's done we'll make them pin the thread and we'll do all our communication about it using this very thread and we'll be famous and the maids will kiss us and give us tiaras and make us official cyber-princesses of /u/. It should go to element, discord, signal, email and probably work like RSS I think and integrate RSS maybe.

| The big thing is not scraping too hard, but I think just checking the site once per day when a user adds it is fine, and if multiple users add the same webpage, one scrape per day and then checking an internal database of who needs what update should work.

I think RSS is so cool! but I've never used it but also my school has a blog which uses a propietary adware RSS thing to keep up with it and whenever you click a link you have to go through ads and it loses data and sux

| For now I'm putting https://dangeru.us/u/thread/1037640 on my calendar to post an update when I start it. maaaaybe next week. If it closes I'll make another thread this is so cool we'll be like the pretty smart cool trans programmer g/u/rls!!!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1735497078

This thread is closed.