Food that you eat often but can't find it abroad

| I think eastern countries have such good delicacy!

| i like knödel, cant get it outide of central or eastern europe

| :(

| I also enjoy food from a particular area but I won't mention any names for the food. It's up to you to carry the convo for me because I'm a smallbrain.

| >>1037626 <3

| topkek

| >>1037620 That does look interesting, I think meat + flour is just peak but different for each country.

>>1037626 Thats what makes you attractive g/u/rl! Try shawarma!

>>1037647 opinions on 8kek?

| I think countries have such good delicacy!

| >>1037620
knödel and its variants are super easy to make yourself though

| >>1037648 yea haha, ive only had in at home in germany, might be better somewhere else lol

| >>1037655 its not the same when i make it </3

| my favorite food that I eat often is also regional sometimes

| >can't find it abroad
what sort of dumbfuck talk is this? immigrants brought their cuisine with them abroad since the beginning of immigration. learn to cook and recreate your dishes properly, smh
this thread is how you can tell this board is whiter than whitewash

| >>1037673
>whi pepo cannu make they own food
Thats a new one.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735264781

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