Thoughts on Femcels?

| I want one as a gf to abuse me, also I'm really lesbian, also also merry Christmas meow

| >femcel gf
and i don't think you understand

| >>1037561 i think thats why she doesnt have a girlfriend

| fake and fuckin bs. no such thing unless you’re genuinely a freak (NOT THE GOOD KIND) even then ugly women still get laid simply cause they’re women

>inb4 incel get laid

literally have im just being truthful it’s all literally in plain sight. idk where this femcel trend came from but its all posers on a trend like usual. same with the ‘loser core’ bs.

| >>1037569
You've obviously never even been friends with any women...

Just because they're femcels and/or unattractive it doesn't mean they don't have standards. No one, not even femcels would sleep with someone who's as desperate as you are.

| >>1037561 a shame you seemed an honest man

| >>1037576
And all the things you hold so neaaaarrrr

Yeah there was a thread about this on incels.is how female people are literally traumatized by having sex with people they find horrible :(

They need language to express how they feel sad and bad :( It's like how you could have sex if you raped children or the disabled but you won't cause it would feel too bad, and really we all just want to feel better, but our instincts don't care about us, only fitness

| >>1037560
meow meow :3 :3
Some femcelsbian in this thread better propose to you and you two can heal each other and grow in eachother's arms!!! I know you're in here reading this other g/u/rl!

| >>1037576 im not male :p

| i kinda have a thing for femcels too or just some introverted/laid back girl, it makes me want to fuck them inside out until they feel like they deserve to be desired

| but concerning the question of "femcels do or do not exist?", i think that everyone holds the same potential for being an incel if we consider the pure definition of "tries and fails in getting laid", even if the bar ends up being low for women. I don't think that you can just say "boohoo there's always someone that wants to fuck you" if the person in question is a absolute decrepit form of a man that just wants to rape someone (which is more of a power dynamics thing really)

| femcels was about getting nothing other than a one night stands or hookups right? Its effectively only one step above actual inceldom

| >>1037602 plz

| >>1037575
shut up dumb bitch lol

| loser girls are cute.

thanking for coming to my tedtalk, have a great night.

| >>1037605 i will consentually fuck anyone that breathes. Im sure there are many who would do the same. Your argument is facetious.

| >>1037631
In your dreams, wanker.

| >>1037633 correct :)

| inceldom is not a male phenomenon. you just have to be an insensitive shithead to become an incel, and insensitive shitheads are mostly male. correlation not causation

| >>1037575
Fucking BURN!!

| >>1037671
shutcho ass up too bitch lol

| >>1037575 go back to the kitchen.

| Ngl I forgot I posted this thread like a week ago. Wowie! So many comments! So many horny people! And angy people! So many lain posters! Truly danger/u/ is the best text board ever. Now if only there were more fucking nerds here, like can't a girl find other nerdy engineers and programmers and PCB board makers or something. If a nerdy girl geeked out about her cpu she just made to me I'd give her the most sloppy head ever in existence.

| >>1037768
Why would I take my nerdy interests to this juvenile heap? There are better places for that.

| >>1037768 im embedded sys ;3

| >>1037781 like what?

| I think that the claim that most incels do not have any standards for a partner is very incorrect

This of course, makes these people ("incels with standards") actually not incels technically, but some weeird kind of frustrated volcel.
This "volcel" is the group with the most members in the "incel group".

I would even say, that most of human population (specially modern) falls into this categ. Including femcels.

TDLR: Let's all just goon to/love fictional characters together <3

| meow meow
auuuuggghhh I love smart g/u/rls too we should start a charity to give head to smart g/u/rls!!
Need you now uuuuuuuu
kiss! just came meow meow :3

| >>1037560 i'm femboy but i want same ;-;

| >>1037913 hi chat

| >>1037892 sloppy kiss!! good kitty!

| >>1037927
meeeOW mrrrrrr *rubs all over u* purrrrrrr miiinnnneeeee

| >>1037927
i-i wanna sloppy woppy kiss too!

| femcels? well if it sells it 'cels

| >>1037943
big kitty lick lick lick sandpaper tongue kisses!! meow meow! ^^

| >>1037956
clever and true! ; )

Total number of posts: 36, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735496753

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