self harming for christmas

| really treating myself:]

| Fucking imbecile

| Why is she treating me like this?

| Easily the worst part of this community

| pic or gtfo

| >>1037533 fr

Hey op just be a normal person and just end it all in silence and let us enjoy life

| I have read your post and you have received my attention. I hope you are happy.

| >>1037543 if you were enjoying life, you wouldent be on /u/

| Lamw

| cut your dick and cum blood for us

| cutey im going to watch you bleed out

| >>1037554 >>1037555 omg bet pookies <3

| >>1037543
the pot calling the kettle black

| kyssss KYSSSSS

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1735172381

This thread is closed.