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Stupid question about love

| I have never fallen in love with anyone in my entire life, but I am sexually attracted to women. Am I aromantic, or just an idiot who doesn’t know how to love?

| probably didn't get a chance to love what with the everpresent alienation in society
keep your chin up and keep fucking mouths, you'll get there

| i think you should first get to know yourself, if that's really what you want. sometimes you just don't want it right now, or just haven't found the right person yet. but anyway just chill, the more desperate you get with it, the more complexed the concept of love will become to you

| read books

| read my cooch

| Try sex

| I've been thinking the same thing actually. My last 'crush' was like 4ish years ago in high school. I think its cause I'm kinda antisocial but now theres no one *forced* to work with me.

| It doesn't really matter. Pretty sure love just invites confusion and heartache into your life anyways.

| I can only somewhat relate to this. I have romantically been in love twice in my life but I loved them more than they loved me, the love never felt mutual even though we started dating. My other relationships and crushes have been like how you describe it but at least I know that with the right person I am capable of romantic love.

| may never feel or find true love mates.

| lol yeah I'm an ugly nigger so its prob over for me too but thats ok

| >>1037298
*fucks your mouth*
i found someone online i'm crushing on right now whos really like me but not attracted to me. probably your around people who don't love what you love and/or look scary.
my english teacher said infatuation isnt love its lust and actually only people who are good for you long term love you. i dont think that's true. i think the really strong feelings of caring are often stupid but some for people who are good should be nurtured.

| >>1037391
i think you need to put your love in the context of whether they deserve it and modulate it acording to the difference like the missile in the missile knows where it is.

kiss kiss! ur my cutie niggie <3 dont let people be mean to you for stupid shallow things like that! just try to look nice and not scary even if you're ugly, and maybe you can get a nice dog who will love you too!

| >>1037430
Haha what. I don't think you should modulate love like that in a healthy relationship but what do I know.

| >>1037430
i-im not a niggie..but i want praise and kisses too!

| >>1037436
You know the way to my heart! <3 Kiss! The way I said it sounds harsh and like an inhuman effort to control the heart more than it can be controlled. The 'normal' way to phrase it would be 'realize who you don't really love' or 'only give your love to those who treat it well,' both statements which do sit more happily in my own heard, just like u ;)
smooch! Cute g/u/rl, and if you were any race at all you'd still be a cutie with a lovely smile and beautiful eyes

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1735182702

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